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"Grace? Grace are you there?" The voice rang out from the never-ending darkness that consumes me like a wildfire.

"Grace?!" The voice yells again, "Father!! FATHER!!" Screaming I rub through the darkness.

It is like running through water, gravity is holding me back but the sound of my father's voice is pulling me into the never-ending darkness.

"FATHER!" my voice echoed as I trip on nothing falling through the sky.

"FATHER PLEASE!" I yell, my tears slowly floating off my face as the wind hit me hard.

After falling for what felt like an eternity I fall into a rock hard pit, "GRACE!" the voice rang out again from beneath me.

"FATHER!" I scream as I strike my hand hard against the darkness. A small crack soon forms with a light peaking through it. My eyes widen as I look at the crack.

Tears welling in my eyes, I began pounding on the pit till my hands run cold with blood. What I thought was a pit of darkness soon turned into merely pitch black glass as the crack spread.

"FATHER!" and with that one scream, the blackness split and I was sent falling like never before.

Through the blue sky, I fall, as I watch the blinding sunrise.I scream out trying to grasp some form of matter, but as I reach for what I thought was the golden firing sun I quickly latch my fingers onto the orange colored ball.

I slowly float down, still holding onto the orange ball, which seemed to stop gravity. I look down when I feel my barefoot graze soft dirt.

Looking around I am amazed to find myself in a never-ending green field. I feel the warmth spread across my body, letting go of the orange ball it floated back to its original place brightening the sky.

"Grace! You're here!" I look over to see my father with his arms open, a wide smile playing across his face.

"Father?" I say as we sip our tea. We sit on his front porch watching the field sway. I feel at ease like never before.

"Yes, Grace?" He says sipping his tea. I look over at him taking in his features. His gray hair was slicked back, his one golden tooth hung from his mouth as he placed his hands the teacup.

He looked happy and healthy and I felt good about it.

"Is this a dream?" I ask setting my small teacup down. He let out a heartwarming laugh.

"Well of course it is," he mumbled also setting down his teacup.

"I have passed away grace..." he trailed off looking into the large open field. Taking a shaky breath he looked at me smiling. "But I have left something important behind." Grabbing my hand he brought it to his heart.

I gasp, the heartbeat I hoped for isn't there. My stomach turned as I let out a sob, I feel like I'm drowning and I can't grasp onto oxygen.

"Don't cry grace, I am safe...I-I'm with your mother now." He mumbled letting go of my hands. "But...I have unfinished work.." I stop crying as I look into his deep brown eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling my stomach turn. "Grace, I have left something behind and I need you to find it, it belongs to you." And with his last words, I blink, sending myself into another pit of darkness.

Slowly, I open my eyes, the bright light stinging them.

"Hello..?" I croak out, my throat dry. Looking around I feel my stomach do black flips. The rooms look old, it's a small room with mold and dirt spreading everywhere.

I look down to find my hands tied to the arms of a single chair. There's a small light bulb above my head lighting up the room.

"Dad..." I croak out recalling the previous memories...he's gone. Why didn't I hug him...why didn't I grab him and pull him out of the darkness with me?

These feelings are like weights dragging me down. They're foreign...They're horrifying.

Letting out a sob I shake my hands trying to escape the painful ropes. Blood starts to drip from my wrists as I scream out in pain. Pain physically and mentally.

I wish I could just die.

"I wouldn't do that babe." A low voice says making me snap my head up. A smirk grew on his face.

He has blonde hair that faded to a light brown over the years and a small hole under his lips. His eyes glow blue as a smirk played on his face.

"Who even are you??? You're not my uncle!" I hiss looking at him.

"Please!" I sob feeling defeated, feeling as though I would never escape the nightmare that somehow swallowed me up in just under a day.

"Where's the money?!" he hisses walking over to me. He grabs my chin roughly forcing me to look at him.

"I-I-I d-don't know what you me-mean!" I stutter out.

He looks at me for a second, analyzing every single thing about me. His blue eyes met mine as a frown played on his childish lips.

It feels like a brick had hit me while watching the frown fall onto his thin lips.

All a sudden it all hit me and all the pieces matched like putting a puzzle together. Anger boils in me like a raging fire as I feel my heart rate increase and my pupils dilate.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I seethed out thrashing around in my chair. His face turned red as he roughly grabbed my chair throwing it back.

My head quickly hit the ground as my body was still stuck in the chair, seeing that I couldn't protect myself.

"YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED HIM DIDN'T YOU?!" I scream out. He gives me a sour face, the one that said shut-it.

"Your old man owed me millions! MILLIONS! I would never kill him! Now tell me where the money is!" He roars out walking back over to me. He bends down grabbing a fistful of my hair, I hissed out of pain as I looked into his ocean blue eyes.

"Never." I mutter.

In all honesty, I don't have a clue of what he's talking about. I just feel numb and I don't give a flying fuck anymore.

He let's go of my hair, quickly getting up before he walked out the door and let it close with a loud slam.

I whimper, my head slowly aching. Tears began slowly falling down... I wish he would have just killed me.

Author's Note:

Yay look, an update. I hope you guys like this story. And also, from now on the chapters will be written by me and my friend is helping with editing it a bit. So the next chapters will suck a lot, but at least the story line might make since. Welp, vote and comment if you liked it and bye babes. *waves*

Hidden Beneath Each Other// L.R.H.Where stories live. Discover now