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Graces pov

"You know what? I'm not gonna cry. I've cried enough and I'm done. My dad is gone and I may be sad, but I'm not gonna mourn over his death anymore." I take a deep breath before speaking again. "I may not know who you are Luke or what you're doing messing up my life, but please just take me away. I honestly do need to get away from here. All those stupid problematic people from before now can kiss my ass because I'm done with them. I'm a new person now." I rub my temples after my sudden outburst.

"Well... that was quite a bit," Luke says looking astonished. "But I will take you away babe." He winks at me.

I roll my eyes and shove my phone into my back pocket. "We'll be stopping by the bank on our way back. I said I'm a new person and I mean it." I pick up the cat carrier and walk out the front door leaving my old house behind.

"W-what? I'm sure you cant even access your father's money and you don't need to." Luke says walking fast behind me.

"I sure can. I've been with him when he's deposited money before. They know me and I have his codes and stuff." I close the large gate after Ashton and Luke walk to the car.

"But you cant just go and take his money like that," Luke says still trying to stop me.

"I may not like it or want to accept it, but he's dead. Since I'm his daughter and pretty much last close family member I inherit all his money." I open the back door and set the cat opposite of my seat before getting in the car and shutting the door.

Luke rushes to the driver's seat as Ashton quietly sits next to him. "You still shouldn't be taking his money. I deserve it if anything because-" Ashton loudly cuts him off.

"Oh shut the hell up Luke! You don't deserve her dad's money. Just take us to the god damn bank!" Ashton puts his back against the seat crossing his arms.

"Fine, whatever you cockblocker." Luke mumbles putting the keys in the ignition.

"Oh IM the cockblocker!?" Ashton points at himself before laughing and going silent again.

"I'm not the one trying to get in an innocent girl's panties." Luke says under his breath.

"What?" I ask, confused about what Luke said. Is Ashton trying to have sex with a girl who doesn't want it? Of course not, he would never do that.

"N-nothing. Luke didn't mean anything by that." Ashton says, worry clear on his face.

"I did mean something by that and ill be glad to share it w-"

"Oh look, there's the bank! We should probably stop talking now and stuff." Luke pulls into a parking spot as Ashton quickly jumps out of the car and walks over to the entrance. Luke walks to my door and opens it.

He smirks before saying "m'lady" I laugh and get out of the car.

"Oh thank you, kind sir," I say in an English accent. He laughs as he shuts the car door and intertwines our fingers.

Ashton opens the door for us as he scowls at Luke and we walk up to the counter.

A lady sitting in front of her computer looks up at us "how can I help you?" She asks kindly, adjusting her glasses.

"I would like to withdraw money," I say feeling anxious.

"Mhm, what's your name?" She says putting her hand on the computer mouse.

"Oh um, my name is Grace Smith, but my father is Daniel Smith so ill be using that account." The lady nods her head and starts typing away.

"It says here that Daniel Smith is dead?" She gives me a questioning look.

"Yes, and I'm his daughter so that means that I inherit his money," I say.

"Ok. It says here that your father has over 70 million dollars in here. How much would you like to withdrawal?" I look over at Luke.

He notices I'm looking at him and shakes back into reality. "Is $10,000 ok?" He asks rubbing my thumb seeing that our hands are still intertwined.

"Um, sure I guess. That's basically nothing." I laugh nervously and tighten my grip on Luke's hand.

"So it would be pretty hard to give you that much money in cash, but I can activate a new debit card. I can cut your dad's old one and give you a new one with all that money in it?" She looks at me waiting for an answer.

"That's perfect." The lady gets up and I see that her name tag says, Abigail. "I like your name by the way." I quickly say as she walks to the back of the bank.

"Thank you." She kindly says before walking off.

"Soooooo," I say weirdly.

"That was good. You did everything right." Luke smiles at me, not a perverted smile but one that says he's happy for me.

"Ugh, can she just hurry up. I wanna go." Ashton drags off the 'go' and paces around.

"We can't exactly control how long it takes to get that stuff ready," I say.

"Well, we could sure as hell try." He says annoyingly.

"Oh shut up Ash. Just because you're in a bad mood doesn't mean you have to make other people get in a bad mood." Luke says.

"I can tell your not in a bad mood, Luke." Ashton looks at our intertwined hands.

"Jealous... " Luke whispers as Abigail walks back to us.

She looks at me and hands me the card. "So this is it. A full $10,000." I nod and say thank you. "Anytime." She says as we walk out.

"Well. That's done." Luke says opening my door for me. Cheeto meows as he sees me.

"Thank god," Ashton says from the front seat sighing.

"Could you stop being moody? You're like a girl on her period." Luke says before looking back at me. "No offense to you." I chuckle at his comment.

"It's ok. But seriously Ashton, stop being such a bum." I cant see his face but I can tell he just rolled his eyes.

Ashton's pov

Look at him. Stealing my girl. She meant nothing to him until I said I wanted her. Then she's getting along with him! She was supposed to hate him but now she's practically in love with him!

I scratch the outside of my nails as I look out the window.

I'm gonna do it. I'll do it tonight. I can just get Grace to sleep in my room and ill have sex with her... unless Luke decides to interfere.

I'll figure something out, I always do.

Author's note:

King Princess is amazing. I love her music and her as a person sooo much. But other than that hey, I love you guys. Vote and comment if you liked this chapter and ill see you on Saturday

Hidden Beneath Each Other// L.R.H.Where stories live. Discover now