Knowing Ron.

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After a lovely, few relaxing hours with Ali and a very funny reaction when I told her my news about the job offer, I returned home. She had been thrilled for me but we did have long laugh that it was ironic how he offered me a job. Him, of all people. She dropped me back home and I took out the card for Roner. 

Placing the card of the bed I took out my mobile phone. “Roner … Rave, wow what a psychedelic name,” I mentally made a stupid joke that no one would find funny apart from me. I began pacing whilst looking at it every so often. After the fun time at being at Ali’s, suddenly reality was hitting me. This is the first job I would actually have my name to it. I didn’t know really why I felt as apprehensive as I did. Maybe it was because I was yet to believe that Xavier had hired me. Or I was just scared. Something I did not like to admit often. The last thing I wanted to do was to work for him. 

I didn’t like the way he made me feel. That was I lie, I did like the emotions but I was scared. They were alien to me and I knew that I shouldn’t be feeling them. Stupid but the truth. I couldn’t forget what he did to my sister and I was not interested with creating ties with him. 

I looked at the card again. Burning a hole in it with my gaze, just wishing that it would burst into flames so that I had an excuse for not calling. 

“Urgh! I am being so stupid right now,” I admitted to myself in defeat. Grunting, I picked up on my phone and dialled the number. Yeah, I decided to call him and get it over and done with. 

“Hey, is it Roner?” I said, my voice squeaking because I was nervous. 

“Yes, who is this? Can I help you?” A deep voice replied but with a cheerful tone. I swallowed trying to remain calm, and cleared my throat in a bid to rid all the tension that had accumulated in my voice box. 

“Hi, I’m Erica Dixon. Your boss, Xavier, asked me to call you…” I managed to get out. I was about to complete my sentence but he cut me off.

“Oh yes…” he said trailing off. His deeper, calmer voice was replaced with a higher more rushed, almost like he was in fear of Xavier. Well, that certainly made two us. “I remember, Xavier said that your job would be to accompany him everywhere. I’ll text you the address.” HIs voice was cold and detached and instead of being engaging he was straight to the point. 

“Ok, thanks.” I replied, confused by his change of heart. He gave out serious vibes of, ‘stay away from me’ and I thought it was best to hang up. That was until he instantly said,

“Hey Erica, please be careful. Try and maintain as much distance as possible from him.”  He warned me.

“Why?” I asked confused. Why on Earth would he say that? 

“Because, I have heard terrible things about him and his last PA. Please try ad stay away from  him or at least be wary. I do not know you, but I know him.” I heard the sadness in his voice as he issued his words of warning. I could sense that he was conflicted and did not want to share this information, maybe he regretted telling me.

“Well, okay. Thanks, I guess?” I replied a bit disappointed of Roner’s loyalty to Xavier. After all, he was one of his employees.

“Yeah, whatever,” Roner replied in a monotone voice.

“Wait, thank you for telling me but you should be loyal to him,” I blurted out, unable to keep my mouth shut. I rolled my eyes and put my head in my hands. My mouth just ran away from me without my head thinking which seemed to be a reoccurring thing at the moment. 

“Because the one that suffered was my fiancé,” he said which explained his anger and sadness. 

“Oh … ummm,” I was speechless. “Roner, I am so sorry, I didn’t know,” I said sympathetically. I had to remind myself that there were two sides of every story, but this looked bad on Xavier’s part and I wouldn’t put it past him to carry it out. I didn’t know what to say, there was nothing I could do to change the circumstances as the damage had already been done. 

“It is okay, Erica. I just wanted to warn toy,” he spoke distractedly, no doubt he was going over memories of him and his fiance. 

“So, please text me the address soon,” I said changing topic.

“Yeah, Erica, I will,” he replied, his voice still empty.

“Bye Roner,” I said enthusiastically trying to brighten the conversation and end on a positive note.

“Bye Erica,” he said and hung up.

That was one of the strangest phone calls I had ever been part of. An unknown man had told me to stay away from a man who I felt like I knew but didn’t in a strange way. I feel like that did not even make any sense, even in my head. Roner seemed like a nice guy, I think he just brought up a sensitive topic for him. My thoughts were cut off when I heard my phone beep.

‘Industrial sector near Port Bishop. You have a lovely voice, Erica. Goodnight and sweet dreams. See you tomorrow.’

 I read it multiple times not knowing whether to be slightly creeped out by him saying I had a lovely voice or wishing me a good night. I decided that although the text was a bit creepy, he used punctuation and proper English which was fantastic but each to their own, eh?

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