Chapter 8 Conversation on the phone

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Aira's Point of view

When I got to my bedroom later that evening, I got a three way phone call from Mion and Rizumu as I thought I would get.

"Hello," I answered my phone. "Aira chan, its Rizumu and Mion chan," replied Rizumu.

"So tell us Aira chan, what's with you and Shou?" asked Mion.

"Did anything happen between you and Shou during practice," Rizumu explains to me.

"No," I say frustrated by their words.

"That's a yes," says Mion.

"Oh please Aira chan tell us what happen," begged Rizumu.

"Okay, if you really want to know that badly," I give up and tell them this morning's evidences but I leave out the parts when we were ice skating and when Shou kissed me on the forehead.

"Ah, that's so cute," Rizumu squeals down the phone.

"Rizumu chan not so loud or you'll damage my hearing," ordered Mion,

"Anyways you two are going out now right."

"What do you mean?" I ask confused about what's going on.

"She means are you two are dating now," Rizumu explained to me.

"No what makes you think that," I ask because I'm sure any other of my friends would have done that for me.

"Oh come on Aira chan he likes you so much, why else would someone wait 31minutes for you"said Mion.

"Well, we are partners so he has wait for me," I say still confused by this convocation.

"Yeah but he also got you drinks,"Rizumu adds in.

"Face it Aira chan he likes you as much more than a friend," Mion stated.

For once I was going to try to stand up for myself plus I was blushing too hard to let this convocation continue but then Rizumu got there before me.

"What about you Mion?, You and Wataru seem pretty close." says Rizumu.

Sometimes I'm really glad that Rizumu can read my mind, plus I also wanted to know what was happening with Mion and Wataru

. "Nothing! I don't even like Wataru in that way. "

I never said anything about you liking him, I just asked you what was happening." Rizumu did it again she got one over on Mion which hardly ever happened because Mion is Queen at this.

"Oh, Yeah, What about you and Hibiki?Mion tried to hit back at Rizumu but we both know Rizumu is very open with this information.

"HE ASKED ME OUT!" Rizumu shouted down the phone and I released she was busting with this information the whole time we had been talking on the phone.

"Tell us everything," Mion and I said together.

"Well, yesterday we were in one of the practice rooms since Mion had the ice and how did that work out for you?"

"Oh shut up about that and tell us the story." "Okay okay, so we were dancing to our song for our prism show and

"What was the song?" I ask.

I can't tell you that, anyway he asked me if I was free the day after MAR's prism show and I said yes.

Then he said do you want to go to this new amusement park with me and I said YES!"

"I'm so happy for you Rizumu chan," I congratulated her.

"Sorry I have to go, someone is on the other line," said Mion.

"Good Night"; We all say and hung up the phone. Then I got into my bedroom and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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