Chaper 5...

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After half an hour I have to be back at work. We had spent the time talking about our hometowns and childhoods. I learnt lots of embarrassing stories from Ryan’s teen years. Back at work I see Jenna waiting for me. We chat about work and the bands I’m working with for a bit and then she says something which makes me nervous.

‘I hope you’re keeping all relationships professional.’ She says with a sly smile. Does she know about Ryan? Does it matter?

‘Um...I try but it’s hard not to become good friends with some of them.’ Already I felt really close to all of the Lawson boys.

‘I was kidding! It’s nice to have someone who connects so well to the bands. Seriously they’ve all commented on it. Lawson have even asked me to make your position permanent. Something to do with Ryan and you?’ She looks at me, eyebrow raised. I squirm under her gaze and try to dig myself out of the hole she put me in.

‘Well...I er...’ She laughs. Phew!

‘He’s a good guy. I’ve known him years. You two suit.’ She says . Her phone goes off and she apologizes before leaving me to answer it.

I get through three more bands before having to meet Lawson again. When 2 o’clock rolls round, I am starving and dying for something to drink. I make a pit stop in catering then make my way back to the studio. Taking a swig of my diet coke, I sit on the sofa waiting for them to arrive. While I wait I flick through the pictures from yesterday. The natural ones are best although I couldn’t really use the ones with beer in. Finally they arrive and they pounce on me on the sofa. I lose my diet coke to Andy, my ham sandwich to Joel and all my breath to Adam as he gives me a hug. Ryan hangs back before coming and kissing me hello. I retrieve what’s left of my lunch and settle back on the sofa, squashed in between Joel and Ryan.

‘So, which photos did you like best?’ I say. They have another look through, laughing and squealing like teenage girls. After a while they choose four that they like the look off. One is of all four of them walking towards me, another is off them performing a song, the next is of Ryan and Joel laughing at the camera and the last is of Andy and Adam leaning against a wall.

‘Can we look through the designs from yesterday?’ Joel asks. I pass him my pad and he flicks through it.

‘I like this one.’ He says, showing me a Album cover sketch. Ryan looks over his shoulder.

‘No mate, this ones the best.’ He says flicking through the pages. I let them argue it out for a while before showing them one I had already put together.

‘Wow. It’s perfect.’ Andy said and the other’s nodded in agreement. I have to say, I was quite proud of it. It was all four of them in their own rectangle playing their instrument. It had the Lawson logo underneath and was all in black and white.

‘I thought you could maybe sell it as posters at gigs or sign them and hand them out at signings. You know, stuff like that.’ I say. We decide on a couple more ideas and then we settle down to just sit and talk.

‘So, do you come from London then?’ I ask. They all shake their heads.

‘Brighton.’ Adam says.

‘Liverpool.’ Andy tells me.

‘Sheffield.’ Ryan says. ‘Or thereabouts.’ He adds on when they all look at him.

‘Nottingham, small town called Mansfield.’ Joel finishes.

‘I used to live near there, an even smaller town called Sutton in Ashfield. I was born there and then I moved up to Leeds.’ I say, surprised that he came from the same place as me.

‘Really? I was born there to. Kings Mill Hospital.’ He says.

‘Me to! Never met anyone famous from where I used to live!’ They all laugh.

‘I knew she would start fangirling soon!’ Andy says. I roll my eyes.

‘I’m not fangirling. Well not really anyway.’ We talk for a bit longer before packing up and heading home.

‘We’re all going out tonight. Wanna come?’ Ryan asks as we leave the building.

‘Sure. Where are you going?’ I ask curious.

‘You’ll see. Wear something dressy. I’ll pick you up at six.’ He says with a wink.

Dressy? What was he on about? Oh, well. I get home and jump straight in the shower. I barely had an hour to get ready. I shove some toast down my throat and rush to my wardrobe. Dressy? I search through dress after dress. Too short, Too long, too colourful. Couldn’t he have given me slightly more notice? In the end I go for a classic looking red evening gown. It’s halter neck with a low back and a skirt which falls to the floor. It is made of scarlet silk and is absolutely gorgeous. I’m not sure when I last wore it but I must have had it dry cleaned as it is spotless. I pair it with red heels. Hard to walk in but they look good! I curl my hair to one side and drape a shawl around my shoulders. I lay out a less formal dress on my bed just in case I’ve gone overboard.

Ryan arrives precisely at 6.

‘Where are we going?’ I ask, taking in his appearance. He is wearing a gorgeous black suit. Straight legged with shiny black shoes and a white shirt. Wow he sure scrubbed up well! I reach up and straighten his tie.

‘I already said. You’ll see.’ He says, leading me out the door and down the stairs. We go outside and I see a black car before a blindfold is wrapped around my head.

‘Ryan! What are you doing?’ I almost scream. ‘I’ll kill you if you mess my hair up!’

‘Chloe relax.’ He says, taking my shoulders and pushing me gently forwards. We drive for what must be about half an hour. It’s hard to tell exactly because the blindfold is still wrapped round my head. Finally the car stops. Ryan slowly unties the blindfold.

‘Promise me you’ll keep your eyes closed?’ He says. I nod and he opens the car door. We both get out.

‘Okay, open them?’

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