Chapter 21...

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Kate was there again. She was hitting the door with her fist. She looks exhausted.  

‘Chloe! I’ve been here ages! I thought you’d left for America!’ She says.

‘Wait, What do you mean America?’ I ask, unlocking the door.

‘The job in America.’ She says. Realisation flashes through me. But I had never told Kate about it.

‘How did you know about that?’ I ask. Flicking the kettle on. Kate makes herself at home on the couch.

‘Jenna rang. Said she couldn’t get hold of you. Wanted me to tell you your flight ticket’s in the post.’ I look at the floor.

‘Thanks.’ I concentrate on the coffee and not on the awkward silence. I hand Kate her cup and sit down.

‘It’s a good opportunity.’ I say, weakly. Kate raises one eyebrow. I inwardly wince at the comment to come.

‘You’re avoiding Ryan.’ She says, incredibly insightfully for her. I consider. Maybe I was. Maybe I really did want this. She nods her head.

‘Told ya so.’ She says, in a frustrating voice. She sips her coffee and karma makes her burn her tongue. I laugh slightly.

‘My parents said go for it.’ I said, shrugging.

‘And you always do what your parents say.’ Kate says sarcastically. They’d told me coming to London was a bad idea and I was beginning to agree with them.

‘No, it’s just, it’s awkward. I met him like, a day after arriving in London. We moved to fast looking back. And he introduced me to the only friends I have. I’d like a new start where no one knows me.’

‘And I guess you can’t get that a mile or two closer?’ Kate asks sadly. I smile softly.

‘Not that pays as good as L.A.’

My flight is leaving in an hour. I hadn’t told Kate when I was leaving, she was awful at goodbyes. Instead, a couple of days ago, about a week after I had found her outside my door, we had a meal out with Ava and that was my little send off.  I sat down at a little table next to a window looking out over the planes. I’d only flown once before and had never done it on my own. I took a sip of the drink in my hand. Most of my luggage had been sent on in front of me to my new apartment and I had only a small suitcase of clothes and my hand luggage. Ryan had bought me my hand luggage bag. He’d said that now they were famous, he could afford to buy me a new duffle. I protested but he wouldn’t give in, so I laughed and teased him about how he bought it for the matching onesie he had got himself. He shuffled his feet and puppy eyed me. I laughed even more and he kissed me in the queue. That was a really good day. A happy day.

 I shook my head softly and stood up, not wanting to dwell on the memory. I wandered around Duty Free for a while and picked up a book for the flight. Just then, my flight was called. I quickly looked up from the perfume I had been trying. I thought I saw some familiar blonde hair but I must have been imagining it.  

One hour down, 11 to go. I thought. I groaned silently. The man I was sat next to took up more space than he had payed for and I was squashed into a corner. At least I had the window seat. A loud snore came from my sleeping companion. I rolled my eyes and defiantly looked out the window. The mountains and rivers looked beautiful and I couldn’t tear my eyes away. Another loud snore. I decided to leave and venture out to the toilet. I’d heard some bad stories about aeroplane toilets but I’m sure I’d be fine. I squeezed past the man and the empty seat next to him before emerging into the aisle. I made my way forward towards the onboard loo’s. Both were in use so I stood awkwardly waiting for one to empty. I looked up the plane. The majority of the seats were full. Two men were making their way down the aisle towards me. I didn’t recognise them until it was too late. Andy Brown and Ryan Fletcher.

Andy spotted me before I had time to hide.

‘Chloe! What are you doing here?’ He asked, loudly, pulling me into a hug. I struggled to breathe.

‘Okay...And...kay...Can’t...Breathe...’ He released me.

‘Thanks’ I said.  Ryan stands behind Andy, I shyly make eye contact. He looks confused. I smile, hesitantly. Andy, who has never been great at relationship help, talks on.

‘Chloe, What are you doing here? On a plane to L.A.? Coincidence!’ He says. I laugh, ignoring Ry.

‘I thought you didn’t believe in coincidences?’ I ask. He laughs now. A toilet frees up. Before I can get there, Ryan pushes past us both and shuts the door.

‘Always the gentleman.’  I mutter. Andy looks worried.

‘What’s up Andy?’ I ask, touching his arm. He looks down at me.

‘You know Ryan broke his hand when you broke up with him.’ He said.

‘No, I didn’t know that.’ I reply. Then think back.

‘Wait...When I broke up with HIM? He broke up with me!’ I said, indignantly.  Andy looks confused.

‘But he said you called him clingy and then ended it.’ Andy said. My eyes blazed. I know this because Andy took a step back.

‘He called me clingy and ended it because he was through with the conversation. If anyone was going to end it, it should have been me for finding out he cheated on me.’ I said, desperately trying not to raise my voice. I turn away and go back to my seat.

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