Chapter 22...

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I brushed angry tears off my cheeks as I sit back down in my seat. The man in the seat next to me offers me a tissue. I take it before realising he has written his phone number on it. I shudder as I take in his hopeful face.  I shake my head softly.

‘I’m taken, sorry.’ I say, lying slightly. He nods his head and pulls himself out of his chair before squeezing down the aisle. I look again at the tissue before screwing it up and using my sleeve instead. I never texted Owen from Starbucks. I think I was hanging onto a false hope. I have a headache from crying and since I have no aspirin, I take my headphones and blast my music. A temporary cure but it’s better than over thinking. Half an Hour later and of course my headache’s worse. The man never returned and I think I spot his balding head in a seat a few rows down. I sigh in relief and look out the window again. We are still hours away from L.A so I decide to get some sleep.

I wake to find Adam asleep next to me. I grin, happy to see him. I softly kiss his cheek and snuggle up to his side before falling deep asleep again.  What must have been several  hours later, I wake up. Looking up, I see Adam is awake and eating  something which smells really nice.

‘Morning Chlo.’ He says, as if it is normally to be waking up to your best mates ex girlfriend on a plane in the middle of the Atlantic.

‘Mornin’ Ads. What time is it?’ I ask, stretching. I open a pack of Polo’s from my pack and suck on one.

‘L.A time or London time?’ He asks looking at his watch.

‘Whichever makes me feel less tired.’ I say. He grins.

‘Well, we left London at about 9.30 ish.  And it’s been about seven hours give or take, I’d say about 4.30 5.00. AM that is.’ I groan and he laughs at me.

‘Andy wanted me to come find you. He said that you seemed upset last night.’ Adam is too polite to ask straight out but I know he’s wondering what happened.

‘I didn’t break up with Ryan, ok? He broke it off with me.’ I say, sighing. Adam raises an eyebrow.

‘You sure cause he seemed really cut up when he came into the studio.’ He nudges my side.  I roll my eyes.

‘I’m sure I’m sure ok? Would you like the transcript?’ I ask, sarcastically.

‘No, I can do without the gory details. But Joel wants to see you. So does Ryan.’ I look sceptical.

‘Don’t know if I want to see him though Ads.’ I say, uncertainly. He looks up, over the seats.

‘Too late Babes, let me know how it goes.’ He gives me a one armed hug and slips away. I look up and see Ryan looking at me. I shift in my seat, awkward under his gaze.

‘You looked cosy with Adam.’ He said, sounding slightly jealous!

‘So you came here to ask me if I was with Adam?’ I said, disbelieving. He bites his lip.  Does he have to look so hot as he does that?  I look down. He sits in the seat Adam was in. 

‘Look about that...’ He hesitates and plays with his hands. I automatically place mine over them to stop his fiddling. I quickly take my hand back.

‘I’m sorry, Chlo. You know me. Can’t hold a grudge to save my life and I’m downright crap at breaking up with people.’ I smile slightly.  He seems to take this as encouragement.

‘Look, wasn’t expecting to see you here. Kate kept hinting about America but y’know.’ He looks nervous again.

‘Ry..This is worse for me because you already broke up with me once.’ He tried to butt in.

‘Please, just let me get this out.’ He stops protesting.

‘Thanks, umm, I know you’re gonna make excuses and say you didn’t mean to, it was just in the heat of the moment, but the truth is, you must have been thinking it to say it, so, I’m sorry Ry but I don't want you...’ I was mid sentence when he cut me off.

‘You don’t want me!’ He says. I’m startled. This

‘Do you realise how much it hurt when I realised you would take that the wrong way. When Kate came back and I knew what a state you’d been in. Then, I couldn’t bring myself to ring you. Too much pride. Andy was great, but he’s married, got a kid on the way.’ He stops, staring at his hands.

‘Of course it hurt you Ryan. We LIVED together. But at the end of the day, you broke up with me.  Not the other way round.’ We’re attracting attention now but we’re too wrapped up to care.

‘I didn’t mean to. What is it going to take to get you to realise that?’ I shake my head and look down.

‘For god’s sake Chlo. You don’t get it. I was mad because I thought you had someone else. And I was so annoyed that I told you there was someone else to.’ He looks ashamed, Damn Right!

‘I know that’s true Ry. Kate told me. And for the record? It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than just a sob story to get me to forgive you.’ I stand up and when a slightly threatening under tone add:

‘I’m going to say hi to Joel and you had better be gone when I get back.’

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