Chapter 20...

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Kate stayed the night which was good because I never would have been able to organise myself the next morning.

‘Babe, you’ve got to work.’ She said through my bedroom door and I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed. Before I could disappear into the bathroom, I caught sight of myself in the mirror. My eyes were still bloodshot and my hair looked like a bird’s nest. I rolled my eyes but that did nothing to improve my appearance so I sighed and resigned myself to the shower.

            Somehow, work came and went. Jenny hadn’t given me a time limit, but I needed to make my mind up soon. Luckily, she seemed to realise something was off and didn’t mention it. At lunchtime, a note came for me from reception,

Phone Call, Line 3, Mrs Brown

I grinned to myself,  Kate was calling me. I picked up the phone.

‘Kate!’ I said excitedly, sitting on the edge of my desk .

‘Er...No, actually.’ A decidedly male voice said. I frowned into the phone, recognising it.

‘Ryan.’ I say, my voice hard. Kate had made me promise to go hard on him if he made contact. She had slept on it and was disgusted apparently.

‘Look, Chlo, I’m sorry.’ He said.

‘Well, that doesn’t quite cut it.’ I said, spitefully.

‘Look, if you hadn’t been so clingy all the time, asking where in was going and who I was with then maybe I wouldn’t have done it. As it is, I did do it. And I regret it.’ He said.  I’m shell shocked. Clingy? Where did that come from?

‘Get everything off your chest now then Ry. Don’t spare my feelings.’ I said. He laughs. He laughs!

‘You know what Chloe? I’m through with the sarcastic comments and the assumed meanings and the misunderstandings. I’m through with this conversation and I’m through with you.’

I hung up.

Ryan’s POV

She hung up.  Well, what was I expecting really? I’d said I was through with her. I slam my fist into the wall. I hadn’t meant it. I’d lost my cool which was weird because I normally had a better temper than this. I sigh. She wasn’t clingy. She always asked if I was ok. I hadn’t meant it. I thought back over what I had said. I’d ended it. I cursed my stupidity. She would take ‘I’m through with you’ as an ending. Of course she would. I would have. I slam my fist into the wall again and then curse as a sharp pain shoots through my hand. I recognised that pain. I’d broken something.

‘Ry! What are you doing in there?’ Andy’s voice came through the bathroom door, where I’d locked myself.

‘Nothing. I’m fine.’ I said through gritted teeth. Andy obviously didn’t believe me.

‘No you’re not. I heard you on the phone now open up!’ He shouted. I looked at the lock on the bathroom. Andy could probably break it if he wanted to. I gave up and unlocked the door.

‘Are you gonna tell me...’ He takes me in. Sat on the floor, cradling one hand against my chest, eyes red from where I might have cried. (Main word being MIGHT have.)

Chloe’s POV

‘Hey, one caramel latte and a triple chocolate muffin please.’ I say to the guy on the counter.  Hmm...Attractive, regular features, blonde hair, gorgeous eyes, reminds me of Ryan. I sigh.  He’d ended it. I would have to come to terms with that. Still, he hadn’t even given me a real reason. If anyone should have ended it, it was me for knowing he cheated on me.

I take my coffee and sit in a corner. After a week though. I really should get over it. I hadn’t spoken to him since. Just come home to none of his stuff and an apologetic Kate.  I’d spoken to Ava too but whenever they went out, they went with the guys and for obvious reasons I didn’t get invited.  I wonder if the mystery girl went. Well, she was welcome to him.

 hadn’t heard from any of the boys and Kate and Ava had avoided the topic. I shook my head. I really should think of something else. I dig my camera out of my bag and decide to slate and rate my pictures. I lost myself in work and it was only when I looked up that I realised I had finished my coffee and someone had bought me a new one. I reached over and saw

Owen 07803859254 scrawled on it in messy handwriting. I look around and see the attractive waiter winking at me. I raise an eyebrow. This was a first. Would drinking it be accepting his number? He hadn’t really given me a choice. I pack up my camera and grab the coffee to drink on the way home.

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