Chapter 17...

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Chloe’s POV

‘Ry, He’s gonna be ok right? Doctors say that it’s nothing serious and that Blood pressure is never the cause of a collapse and that it must be hereditary and that he’s gonna be fine.’ I am pacing the waiting room floor. Ryan stands and pulls me into his arms.

‘You heard him, Clo. He’s fine! You worry to much. Anyway, do you know what he’s talking to Ava about?’ He looks mischievous and I am automatically wary.

‘No, I just thought you were giving them some time alone.’ I pull back and look at him. His perfect smile grins down at me.

‘He’s proposing.’ I think I squealed as Ryan laughs out loud.

‘Aww, that’s so romantic!’ I clap my hands together in delight.

‘More dress shopping! You can all have new clothes! Me and Kate get new dresses! Even if Ava has no bridesmaids I’m dragging you round dress shops. I wonder is she’ll let me do the photographs? Ohh I’m so excited! Naww, it’s a shame he couldn’t do it at the wedding though but I guess they can tell their kids the story.’ Ryan shakes his head.

‘I only got half of that.’ At that moment Ava walks in.

‘Ry, He wants to see you.’ Ryan kisses me quickly and left the way Ava came. I look at her hand and sure enough there is a delicate ring on her finger. She sees me looking and hugs me tightly.

‘I can’’t believe it! Kate and Andy now me and Adam!’ Ava is over the moon, I’ve never seen her so happy. ‘Ryan’s under pressure now isn’t he!’ She winks at me as we sink into one of the sofa’s.

‘I don’t think...’ I start but she cuts me off.

‘Still, I suppose you haven’t know each other that long.’ I decided I liked this excited version of Ava and laughed at her.

‘The doctor said he can leave in an hour. Why don’t you and Ryan go to the reception and I’ll wait here for him.’ Ava suggests half an hour later.

‘You sure Ava?’ Ryan asks as she yawns.

‘Sure. Go send my congratulations and have fun!’ She practically shoves us out the room and we laugh.

We must have looked a sight in the hospital. Ryan’s shirt was fastened up wrong and my dress was all crumpled. We got a taxi to the hotel. This was a Kate party so we knew it would still be going strong when we got there.

We were right. Kate was definitely drunk and Andy didn't look far behind her.

‘Ava and Adam said sorry they can’t be here but congratulations.’ Ryan tells Kate, knowing full well that she wouldn’t remember in the morning.

‘Their loss.’ She says unsympathetically. I hide a laugh. ‘Come and dance with me Chloe!’ She pulls me onto the dance floor.

‘ don’t think I’ve drunk enough for this.’ I say as we start doing the cha cha slide. Soon Ryan and Andy join us. We dance for a long time only breaking to get a drink. We are sat at the bar, champagne flowing freely when I see Joel on the other side of the room, chatting up a pretty blonde girl who I think is Kate’s sister. She blushed as he whispered something in her ear and I grinned. Joel sees me watching and waves. I wave back, laughing.

‘Something funny babe?’ Ryan asks.

‘Your face.’ I say, giggling drunkenly. He laughs. The room is emptying now, most guests have left to either go home or go up to their rooms.

‘Maybe it’s time we hit the sack.’ Ryan suggested. Obviously he wasn’t as drunk as me. It made a nice change. We stumbled across the dance floor and up to our room. Lying down on the bed, I think about everything that had happened. Soon, half of Lawson would be married. I hope Ryan wouldn’t get any ideas.

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