Chapter 9...

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A few weeks later, the boys have a gig. I have worked with them on all of the album designs and it’s almost finished. I was also getting loads closer to Ryan, as well as becoming really goods friends with Kate, Ava and the boys. This was good as I was going to be Kate’s bridesmaid! We hadn’t been dress shopping yet but we had organised to go into the city in a few days time.

Hey Babe xx I smile as the text from Ryan comes through.

Hey. Good Luck today xx I reply.

Would you come and watch? Xx He asks.

Would love to. Have to work tho xx

All sorted, Jenna gave u the day off xx I love my boyfriend.

I love you. What time? Xx

Pick you up in an hour. Love you to xx

Ok then xx

An hour later, I find myself in the back of Ryan’s car, squashed in with a romantic Adam and Ava. Ryan catches my eye in the rear view mirror and grins. I smile back and he rolls his eyes at the pair in the back. I laugh and Joel turns to look at me. I smile and wave. We pull up at the venue and the boys start unloading their instruments from the boot. Andy and Kate came in their own car. We ,head inside and they start the sound check. We girls watch for a bit and then we go to make them lunch, knowing they’ll appreciate a sandwich. We get lots of appreciative hugs and kisses on the boys before they realise the time and have to get ready for the gig. It’s an early starter which means they’ll have time to meet lots of fans afterwards. Me, Ava and Kate get front row seats and settle down to enjoy the atmosphere. Soon the room is full of girls. The stage is close enough for us to touch and I am really excited. It is my first time seeing them live and I can tell that Kate and Ava are just as excited even though they’ve seen them loads.

The support act were amazing and got the crown in the mood to party! When Lawson come running on, I am almost deafened by all the screams. Ryan looks at me and winks before picking up his bass. The girl next to me screams and gushes to her friends about how Ryan winked at her. I laugh to myself. They start off with Red Sky and everyone is on their feet singing along. Later, they start the last song. It’s Standing in the Dark. Before they begin, Andy starts to talk.

‘So, we have some very special guests with us today.’ Me, Kate and Ava look at each other confused. They never said anything about guests.

‘Our girlfriends are here, and we want to thank them for all of the love and support they have given us.’ He looks down at us and winks. The cheers and screams are outstanding. They obviously love these boys so much. I have been so focused on the noise that I don’t realise that Andy is holding his hand out to Kate, Adam’s helping Ava onto the stage and Ryan has jumped of the stage and is stood in front of me grinning.

‘Come on.’ He says, kissing me. There are more screams as he lifts me onto the stage. I share gobsmacked looks with the other girls. We are stood with our boyfriends on stage in front of loads of peoples.

‘Joel’s a bit lonely. Anyone want to come keep him company?’ Andy continues. Ryan squeezes my hand and I look up at him, loving every minute. Another huge scream and Joel chooses a girl from the front row. She looks star struck as she is helped onto the stage and Joel holds out his hand to her. As one, they all start to play and i just stand and watch.

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