Chapter 3...

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I can see the rest of the band staring at us so I break away, quickly.

‘So where did you want us?’ Ryan asks. I try to reply but it’s hard to think straight when he’s standing so close. I put my hands on his chest and push him back a few paces.

‘There now I can think straight.’ I say, this makes everyone laugh and I blush bright red.

‘Erm...’ I get back to business, moving round the studio. ‘I need some natural ones, but I want to go to a pub and a park for those so let’s get the posey ones over and done with.’ I think out loud again.

‘A pub sounds good. Lunch? My call? Ryan whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes but don’t give him an answer.

‘Stop flirting with our photographer and get a move on.’ Joel shouts to Ryan. He laughs and then walks up to a wall.

‘Sexy?’ He pulls a pose. ‘Or Dangerous?’ He pulls a different pose. I laugh.

‘Neither. I want all four of you to walk towards me. No funny faces Andy!’ I warn. This makes them all laugh again. The morning passed smoothly in a flurry of poses and shots.

‘Lunch!’ Adam says loudly. We all troop to a nearby pub and as they sit and laugh, I pull out my camera and take a few shots. Some of them all laughing, one of a total Randy moment! Some more shots when the food came, all four off their eyes lit up when they saw food.

As we walked back to the studio, Andy, Adam and Joel walked ahead, leaving me and Ryan walking together at the back. He casually slipped his arm around my shoulder and we walk for a while in comfortable silence.

‘So, can we see the pictures when we get back?’ Ryan says.

‘I don’t see why not.‘ I say, it would be good to get there opinion on which ones they want to use.

When we get back to the studio, I plug my camera into a projector and draw the curtains. A slideshow of pictures start. I write down their recommendations and reactions to the pictures. I already have some background ideas but decide that that is enough for one day.

‘I’ll see you all tomorrow.’ I say as we all go our separate ways outside the studio. I stand on the curb, watching them laugh and talk like brothers. Ryan says something which makes them all laugh and then he turns and runs back to me.

‘Come with us?’ He says taking my hand. Isn’t he sick of me yet?

‘Where are you going?’ I ask laughing as he drags me over to where Andy, Joel and Adam are waiting.

‘Back home. All the other boys have girlfriends so I’m always lonely.’ He explains.

‘So you’re dragging me along for the entertainment?’ I laugh.

‘Hmmm...Sounds about right!’ He says. ‘Also I want you to meet the girls.’

We walk back to their house. It was huge! So much bigger than my tiny apartment. It had five bedrooms and three bathrooms. Ryan leads me to a living room which contained a couple of comfy looking sofas and a huge TV.

‘Welcome to Lawson Manor.’ He says pulling me down to sit next to him on the sofa. ‘The other girls should be here soon and then we can order pizza!’ His eyes light up again at the thought of food.

‘Where are the others?’ I ask meaning Joel, Andy and Adam. He laughs and I look questioningly up at him.

‘Oh, I don’t know, probably dressing up and doing their hair. They’re so vain!’ I reach up and ruffle his hair. He automatically pats it back into place.

‘And you’re not?’ I laugh.

‘Hey!’ He protests. Just then we hear laughs and talking coming from the kitchen. Ryan stands and pulls me up, not letting go of my hand as we walk into the kitchen. Inside stands Andy, Adam and Joel with three girls I don’t recognise.

‘Chloe, this is Kate. Unlucky girl goes out with Andy here.’ Ryan introduces us. Kate laughs and punches him on the arm then gives me a hug. She has long blonde wavy hair and big blue eyes.

‘Hi, If Andy and Ryan have anything to do with it, we’re probably going to be seeing a lot of each other.’ She says in a friendly voice. I laugh and turn to the next girl.

‘Ava, she’s with Adam. Not sure who I feel more sorry for this time actually.’ Ryan look puzzled for a while before shrugging and giving up. Ava had brown hair cut at shoulder length. She had dip dyed the ends purple and it looked amazing. She also hugged me.

‘I’m not as bad as he makes out. Honestly!’ She says.

The last girl looked less friendly and was glaring at Joel.

‘This is Emily.’ Ryan says simply. There is none of the friendly banter between them like there was with Ava and Kate. Emily ignores me and turns to Joel.

‘I’m outta here. You coming?’ She asks. Joel looks uncomfortable for a while before shaking his head.

Emily stalks out and I feel everyone give a sign of relief.

‘I don’t know why you don’t just leave her.’ Ryan says, coming to stand behind me and circling my wrist with his arms.

‘It’s a bit more complicated than that mate.’ Joel sighs.

‘No it’s not.’ Ryan says. ‘She has made you so miserable and I hate seeing you with someone like that.’ He continues. If I’m honest, I think that Joel has had a hard enough time with Ryan getting on his back about breaking up with his girlfriend.

‘Hey Ryan.’ I say, looking up at him and quickly changing the subject. ‘Didn’t you mention pizza?’

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