Mission Development

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It had taken you about a week to finally get to your destination for the mission. You settled your things in a place hidden and very difficult to find. The last thing you wanted was to get robbed by the local folk. Knowing that your things were safe, you took all your ninja tools and made way to where the target was suspected to be at tonight. You swiftly made you were through the woods until you found a good hiding place up high in the trees; high enough to not be seen but low enough to get all the needed information. You even took some time out to implant some audio devices to record some conversations in case those turn out to be informative.

You took out a pair of binoculars and observed the target. Lord Hokage told you this was only supposed to be a stealth mission. He didn't mention to you anything about having to confront any enemies or anything of the sort. That didn't matter though because when you're on the job, the unexpected could occur at any time; it's always good to be prepared no matter what.

At least that was something that you had going for you, your ninja skills. While hiding in the tree, you saw that your target was...another ninja? You weren't quite sure from which village though, the headband was hidden at the moment. You were usually given the task to study other leaders but why would Lord Hokage want you to spy on another ninja? You tried not to question Lord Seventh too much and did was you were asked to do. You kept observing everywhere the ninja was going.

The other ninja ended up being a woman? You were surprised because of this ninja- you actually found this ninja to be quite beautiful. Her hair was mid-length, her hair was between the shades of dark and light brown. You zoomed in with your binoculars to see what colors here eyes were. They were a pale light blue. Her clothing was dark, mainly all black, appropriate. She wore her headband on her side tied up but you couldn't recognize which village she was from. You felt your face become warmer as you were blushing at the fact that you were checking this woman out! You stopped looking through your binoculars for a moment. You haven't done something like this in a long time. You were actually very surprised at the fact that you were looking at another woman like this that wasn't, Sakura. You had looked at Sakura as the woman whom your heart belonged to for a very, very long time. But for the first time in a long time, you looked at someone else in a very similar way. And a stranger no doubt. A stranger who is another ninja, from another village, that your village's leader wants you to observe for who knows what. You huffed a little as you went back to looking through your binoculars. You had to remind yourself that you are currently on a stealth mission; not on a search for a new girlfriend.

She ended up traveling more than anticipated. You had no chose but to leap through the trees faster than you originally thought. At first, you were afraid that your shadow and the brustling of the leaves would give away your position so you began to follow her on foot. Whenever you noticed that you might have been spotted, you tried to make the target believe that it was a rodent or a bird by making bird noises or scurrying sounds. This really did get tiring after some time but soon enough, you saw where the other ninja was going to. 

A secret hideout. 

You were a bit surprised since you didn't expect anything like this unravel. Of course, you followed or else you would lose your target when the situation was beginning to unfold. You watched as the target made her way to the entrance, scanned the area to make sure she wasn't followed and watched as she disappeared through said entrance. Before the door could close all the way, you tossed a kunai to keep it open. You scanned the area as well and mostly hoped that you weren't being followed. As much of a great ninja that you are, things happen no matter how careful you are, at the end of it all, you can only hope for the best.

When you thought that the coast was clear, you made your way to the entrance and went through. You remained as stealthy as necessary and made your way to the hideout until you caught up with your target once more. You were able to locate her by the dirt she was tracking inside. You also caught a wif of her smell. Another thing that took you by surprise because you found the smell a bit...intoxicating? Intoxicating. You shook your head to become focused on your mission again. You began thinking that you shouldn't be getting this distracted. Especially by a ninja that could be an enemy ninja. This was strange to you and unprofessional to be hot for a target, the person you're supposed to be observing for information for your village! You need to get it together! Releasing a deep breath, you stayed hidden until she went into a room and closed the door behind you. You thought, "shit, how am I suppose to get inside without being spotted?"

You looked around and quickly thought on your feet. You hide on the ceiling and created a sound on purpose to get someone to get out from the room so that you may enter. You made a crashing sound and with success, someone came out the room. It was another ninja that wasn't the woman from before but no matter, you were able to make your way into the room. It was large - much larger than anticipated. You remained on the ceiling to stay stealthy. The room was very dark except for a circle of light in the center of the room. This whole thing screamed nothing good to you. You made sure to prepare yourself for anything.

You saw the woman you were spying on from before and she was accompanied by a few other ninjas. Then you spotted one pair of ninja exchange a scroll. Before the other ninja could grasp it in their hands, the woman snatched the scroll and ran to the entrance. Who the fuck is she!? You were actually surprised by everything that was developing. This information was not in the briefing Lord Seventh gave to you. Seems this was the unexpected that may occur from time to time. They shut the door on the woman but she threw a fire tag to destroy the door - including about half of the room. You knew immediately that that was your cue to follow.

All the other ninjas were chasing after her and as were you. You made sure to be right behind her considering now that she had what appeared to be a very important scroll considering the amount of ninja that met up for it. She was almost at the main door when she was stopped by one of the ninjas. Other threw shurikens at her and that was when you decided to be apart of the show. You jumped down and blocked all the shurikens that were thrown. The woman was very surprised to see you.

"Who-who the hell are you?!" She didn't sound too happy, as expected.

 Of course, you did something radical but the last thing you needed was for your target to die with the scroll. Even though now thinking about it, you could have snuck the scroll away from her dead corpse. Good thinking. Well, you already made your decision, you have to keep rolling with it now.

"Nevermind who I am! You wanna get out of here alive or not?!" You didn't mean to shout at her as but now you two are in a life or death situation. You stood in your fighting stance as you waited for the other ninja to come charging at you to check exactly how many were there. They were about seven, eight counting the one at the door. That was the one she was fighting with and won without your knowledge. You were a bit shock to see how quickly she took out that guy. Clearly, she's a skilled ninja.

"Let's go, stupid!"

"Stupid!? You know what? That's uncalled for! You shouted as you got distracted from the fight and got a punch to the face. Good thing you were able to make a substitution in time, landed a punch on the ninja and knocking him out from behind. Two were down while you ran to the entrance. It seemed pointless to fight the other ninja since you could easily lose them in the forest. You quickly made your way to the entrance and exited. You saw the woman ahead and tried to catch up. You saw her running towards the forest and followed suit. You were able to disappear into the forest and was able to make your way onto a strong branch. You hide behind the tree trunk of the tree and watched as the other ninjas scurried around trying to find you and the woman. When you had an opportunity, you leaped from tree to tree until you couldn't hear any of the other ninjas anymore. When you knew you were safe, you started to think about the scroll and the importance it possibly has. Then, you questioned how important it could be since such low-ranked ninjas were sent for this mission.

Before you could figure out answers to your questions, the woman quickly reappeared before you and tried to land a kick on you. You had already sensed her presence rapidly approaching and was able to dodge her.

"How foolish. You could have gotten away with the scroll." You stated in a serious tone.

"And risk you chasing me? I don't think so."

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