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You two made about six pancakes, three for each of you and it turned out to be too many pancakes. You two only laughed at seeing how much pancakes you two made and how much wasn't even good enough to eat. It almost felt wasteful but she said we could always bake the other parts or maybe make a bread pudding with it.

You thought that was such a good idea and wanted to try it later after exploring the town.

You two finished breakfast while watching some daytime TV. You made some coffee with her and sipped slowly. You didn't want to get a stomach ache from everything since you normally don't eat like this. After you two were done, you cleaned up the area and started loading everything to her dishwasher. She has a lot of useless appliances in her home. Her home almost made you apartment appear small. Not an issue because you knew you could always save up for a larger home. It's always been you with yourself so you saw no need for a larger home but the idea is nice.

"Is everything okay?" She asked from upstairs. She was getting dressed now.

"Everything is great!" You replied as you jogged up the stairs so that you could change too. You knocked before you went in and she gave you the okay to enter. You saw that she was wearing a light blue flowy dress. She looked so cute that you ended up blushing a bit.

"Are you blushing?"

"Yes. You look so cute." That made her blush and you chuckled a little. She giggled.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself."

"Thank you." You walked over to your bag to change into some shorts and sneakers. You wanted to make sure to be comfortable and made sure she dressed in something comfortable too.

"As cute as you look, I want you to wear something comfortable since we don't know how much we're going to be walking today."

"That is true. I should wear more comfortable shoes. Thank you for the suggestion."

"Anytime. I'll do the best I can to look out for you." She smiled.

"I really appreciate that."

You two finished up, Fumiko got her bag, made sure she got everything and you two headed out the door. She wanted to take you to the area down by the pier so that you could see all the fresh seafood and such.

"Do you like seafood?" 

"I like food in general. I'm not very picky."

"Great! I want to show you a bunch of places that I usually go to get my food. It's all fresh too."

"No wonder the good parts of the pancakes tasted so good." She chuckled again. Then, she grabbed onto your hand as she saw the stands in sight and wanted to hurry over. You couldn't help but have a moment to look towards her hand in yours, it almost felt surreal in that moments. You then looked at her and saw how much fun she was having already. 

Does Sakura feel like this with Sasuke? If so, you made the right decision in giving up on her. It was one of the worst feelings in your life but, you could never get in the way of her feeling this happy.

Fumiko rushed and you two stopped in front of the stands that were covered in fish. It was a very strong salt smell but the fishes looked delectable. You wish you could have these fish and more for dinner. You also hoped that there was a bunch of stuff you could bring home with you but it would go bad on the way back home.

A part of you actually didn't want to go back to the village hidden in the leaf. Being here with Fumiko felt great so far. You didn't' want to get ahead of yourself though. 

"Can we have fish for dinner?"

"Sure! I was hoping you'd ask!" You smiled lovingly. You watched her as she picked the fish she thought was best and the ones she wanted you to try. You purchased the fish and you offered to carry it. She thanked you and she said we're going to go to one of her favorite supermarkets to buy the rest of the ingredients she needs to make dinner. 

"Would you like to go for a walk after dinner?"

"Of course. Anywhere you have in mind?"

"This park by the lake."

"Sounds wonderful." 

"Yaay!" She was so happy. You couldn't stop looking at her.

You two made it to the supermarket and you immediately remembered the times you and Sarada would go to the supermarket together and you'd make dinner for her. Then it hit you that if you moved her, you wouldn't see Sarada as often. You would miss her grow up into a teenager. You miss a lot of other firsts she was going to have with everyone and being a ninja. Could you really give that up? The leaf has been your home for your whole life. But, Fumiko is starting to become your whole world.

Well, you didn't have to choose this weekend. There were going to be plenty of other weekends spent with Fumiko.

You pushed the shopping cart around as Fumiko put in everything she needed. Fumiko would sneak in cheek kisses when you were looking to make you blush on purpose.



You two were waiting on the line now and that's when Fumiko realized she didn't get anything for dessert.

"We could just get some of the chocolate in the front. I'm okay with that."

"I was thinking to bake a chocolate cake together."


"I'll hold the spot. You hurry and get the ingredients."

"Roger that!"

Fumiko hurried to the aisle with all the baking supplies as you held the spot and slowly began to unload everything on the conveyor belt. There were actually a lot more things in the cart than you realized. You clearly had to help her pay some things. Right before you were ready to place the last item on the cart, Fumiko made it back with everything.

"Safe!" You two said in unison. She placed everything else on the belt and you watched as the price went up. You went into your wallet and she insisted that she got it. You told her no, you didn't feel okay about letting her pay for everything and to at least let you pay for half. She couldn't say no and agreed. She gave you half and you pay the cashier. You took all the bags as well. Fumiko rushed over to take a couple of bags.

"I don't feel comfortable with you carrying all the bags so...let me carry a couple of bags." You smiled.

"Sure thing." You thought it would be faster to get back to her place since making and baking everything was going to take a while. 

"Mind if we take the fast way?"

"Sure. But, my feet are starting to hurt a little." 

"Mind climbing on?" She started to blush at the thought of riding back home on your back.

"Su-sure!" She stuttered a bit but slowly got on.


"Ye-yes!" You smiled as you held on tight to her along with the bags and made your way back to her place. 

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