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You and Fumiko took about six months to a year to plan the wedding mainly because of her side of the family. You were able to get in contact with the family members you wanted at the wedding and a majority had already RSVP'd. Those who didn't would be escorted away from the event. It was that simple for you. As for Fumiko, for some unknown reasons, she was having an extremely difficult time getting in contact with her parents and grandparents. It was devasting for her because growing up, anytime she was not with her parents, she was with her grandparents on both her mom's and dad's side.

There was a point where she was very frightened about the possibility of them not making it to the wedding or worse - if anything had happened to them because of how long she hadn't heard from them.

You were stressed out because Fumiko was stressed out for a long time and it was the last thing you wanted. Right when you were about to call in some favors, you got a phone call from Fumiko. You were at your apartment at the time.

"(y/n), guess what?! My parents and grandparents showed up at the house! They traveled all the way for the wedding and are staying with us! They wanted to surprise us! Every time I called, they weren't home or didn't have service! Isn't this amazing!?"

You were just happy they weren't dead.

"I'm more than happy, Fumiko. I can't wait to meet everyone tonight."

Luckily, that was the last thing to worry about. As far as you know, everyone else on her side of the family RVSP'd. It was the main people who didn't. Now, they just have to get fitted for their wedding outfits which you and Fumiko can set up for tomorrow. You were making some final adjustments and looking around your apartment. In the six to twelve months of being engaged, you used that time to move to Fumiko's village.

It was a ride.

The first person you told was Iruka because he is your best friend. That's a lie, it's because he would hunt you down and give you hell if he wasn't the first to know about something like that. A few days after getting engaged, you visited him and took him out. He was beyond excited and he is your best man. You told your other miscellaneous friends and actually left Sakura for last. She is your best friend too but she was a different best friend for years.

Within, you successfully moved on from her and you couldn't be happier for yourself that you can now see Sakura as a platonic best friend.

Sakura was more than thrilled and excited about everything. At the same time, everyone was sad that you were moving - things weren't going to be the same anymore.

Walking around your apartment, you thought about all the memories you had there. You thought about where you were and where your future is headed towards. Most of your things were already at Fumiko's or you sold but some leftover things were put into boxes and we're going to get shipped over to her house this week. The wedding is in a couple weeks now. You were excited to start your new life with your new family.

You took bigger steps to reach the front door sooner since you were on your way out. Opening the door and holding onto the knob, you took one last look around and said goodbye to your past. Leaving the key on the table and closing the door behind you, you said hello to your future.


The wedding was beautiful. You were very nervous being in the room with Iruka but he did an amazing job of reassuring you. He even yelled at you that the last thing he wanted was for you to get cold feet and run out on Fumiko. You sternly told him that was the last thing you were going to do. He believed you immediately and smiled. That was the answer he was looking for from you. You were having an outdoor wedding because that's what Fumiko really wanted and said she's even dreamed about. When it came to all of the arrangements, you weren't too picky about much. You mainly wanted Fumiko to have the second wedding of her dreams.

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