Getting to know you.

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You two had just made your way back from the supermarket and placed everything on the kitchen island. You two did a lot of walking and shopping.

"I'm sorry we didn't see more things." She said.

"It's alright. We have tomorrow to explore some more."

"But then you leave the next day."

"When do you want me to come back?"

" weekend?..."

"You sure? Wouldn't your daughter be over?"

"No. She wants to stay with her father again next weekend."

"I see. Doesn't it make you feel a little lonely?" She was a little surprised at the question. She didn't think you noticed.

"It does actually. I wish I could see her every single day. She's so cute and we get to do a lot of things together. I just want to spend as much time as I can with her while she's still so small. She wants to be an artist like her father. I'm not sure how she's going to go about it but I believe she can do it."

"I'm sure she'll do great. She sounds like she has two great parents."

"Thank you for that. I have moments where I question if I am a good mother to her. Me and her father co-parent in the best way we can but, we're always afraid that everything may affect her - not see us together and we know we're never going to get back together. I wonder how she would take it when she learns that mommy and daddy are happy with two other people?"

"Two other people?"

"My ex-husband has been seeing someone else for quite some time now. It was surprisingly difficult at first but over time, the more he communicated with me, I felt better about everything. I'm just glad he's happy now."

"Have you met his girlfriend?"

"I have! See's really cute and nice. She's met my daughter too. Of course with me giving the okay to. And my daughter feels good with her too."

"That's good to hear. It seems like everything is going well so far."

"...yeah...I worry about the uneasy and difficult parts." You walked over to her to hug her from behind.

"I know those times can be really tough're not alone."

"I'm not." She said smiling while holding onto your arms.

"Thank you for being so understanding and supportive."

"Of course. I just want to make sure you feel okay." You felt her snuggle up in your arms now. It felt nice.

"Ready to make dinner and dessert?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

She started taking all the groceries out the bags and laid them out on the kitchen island. We weren't going to make anything to complex. We ended up decided to make some chicken, a little fish, rice and some vegetables of course. She kept telling you about how great and fresh the fish here is. So even though it doesn't exactly compliment the meal, you still wanted to try it anyway.

She was going to fry up the chicken and that got you so excited. She rinsed the chicken first, started putting a bunch of seasoning and spices in a plastic bag and put a few pieces of chicken inside to marinate. Meanwhile, she got a pot, filled it with water, put it over the fire and is now waiting for it to be brought to a boil. She has a rice cooker for the rice and she honored you with that responsibility.

"You do know I can cook pretty well too."

"I know but you are still my guest. I wanna do most of the cooking for you."

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