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The conversation you had with Iruka earlier today gave you the confidence that you needed for when you finally see Fumiko. You did not think that sex would be such a big deal to you since it is not going to be your first time but if it does happen, it would be the first with her. You had your weekend bag in hand and you left around 8 pm which is a time that most would be asleep in their homes. There was something soothing about knowing that you were not going to bump into many people during your short journey. As you passed by the village gates, now leaving the village, you started thinking that if you were going to be intimate with Fumiko, you would want it to be special.

You decided for now that you were going to walk to the shore where you could get on a boat that would take you straight to her village, according to her instructions. The boat ride would take a couple hours so good thing you brought a book to entertain yourself. You thought it would have been more complicated but it turned out not to be. It was a relief to know that when Fumiko made her way back home, it was not that much of an inconvenience. As you were walking along the walking path, your mind didn't ponder as much as the time you were on your longer mission. You thought of it as a good sign that maybe, finally, you were in a much better place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It brought a smile to your face as you kept walking with a little pep in your step.


Time felt like it was moving fast as you were able to enjoy the scenery again but with a different perspective; it felt nice. Plus, everything looked and felt different at night. Everything felt calmer and at ease. The grass and the flowers smelled different too - it all relaxed you which was great because that meant you'd be in a great mood when seeing her. A few hours have past and you knew you were going to spend the last remaining two hours on the boat. As you were walking towards the water, you had the boat in view. Then, you heard the loud horn. Your eyes widened as it seemed as if the boat was ready to leave. You thought it couldn't be because you should be on time. Either way, you rushed over to the boat to make sure to not miss it. You quickly hurried and was able to make it to entrance in time.

You huffed and puffed a bit as you looked for your boarding pass and handed it to a person who appeared to work on the boat.

"Good evening. You just made it."

"I noticed." You said nearly out of breath. You took back your boarding pass and decided to explore around the boat to get a good feel for it. This is a boat that you may be taking more often if things continue with Fumiko. You checked the mid-section of the boat and you noticed plenty of people there were carrying bags similar to yours. Seems this is where you could stay. You wanted to explore more so your made your way to the bottom-section of the boat. You walked through the hallways and saw some rooms that appeared to be for those who were staying on the boat for a long trip. Afterward, you made your way to the top section of the boat. You were outside and it felt refreshing. You eyes wandered out towards the sea and you couldn't look away from the view. Looking at the water rock back and forth almost made everything feel surreal. 

Instead of going back inside to the midsection of the boat, you decided to stay outside for a while. You looked around until you can find a spot by the wall to sit down. You let out a heavy sigh of relief as you were finally sitting down. You looked through your bag until you found your rather thick book titled, "The Wonders of Traveling", took it out your bag and turned to the marked page. You thought this book would be boring due to the title but it turned out to be better than expected. Plus, it was Iruka who recommended it to you. When it comes to the books he read, sometimes it can be a hit or miss. Usually, a miss when it comes to you anyway.

The two hours passed and as you were getting towards the end of the book, you picked up your head to see your destination. You checked the time and saw that it was almost 1 am. You let out a yawn. You were ready for bed. Speaking of beds, which bed were you going to sleep in? Were you going to sleep in her guest room? The sofa? With her? With her!? You didn't even think of this! Your heart started racing a little from how nervous you were beginning to feel. As the boat was docking, you did your best to take in deep breaths. Everything was going to be fine. You'll wait until you get to Fumiko's house and she'll tell you where you'll be sleeping. You just weren't thinking about sleeping in the same bed as her. You didn't think it would be happening so soon.

It's just been a long time since you've slept in the same bed with a woman that you truly care about.

You walked off the boat and walked in the direction that Fumiko told you to walk in. If you chose the right path, you should be arrived at her home in about 15 minutes. Your excitement was taking over and you decided to take a little shortcut as you leaped onto the rooftops. Some people looked at you weird but you didn't care. You wanted to hurry up and get to her as soon as possible now that things were in your control. In moments, you spotted her home.

You smiled as you saw a light was still on.

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