Missed Chance.

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The next morning came and there was Sasuke, right on cue.

"Papa!" Sarada ran over to Sasuke as she greeted him with a big hug. If you didn't know any better, you would have seen an actual smile on his face. That would be a first for you. You remember how for years, he would barely crack a smirk. You also couldn't understand at the moment why you were being so mopey. You guess you were a bit sad to see Sarada go but you did still need a break from everyone and you needed to go see Fumiko.

"Thank you again, (y/n) for taking care of Sarada. Sakura and I really appreciate it. When we get home, we need to have a talk about running away Sarada."

"But! (y/n) already lectured me last night about it. I have to hear more about it?"

"Yes, you do young lady. You're not being let off so easy."

You couldn't help to wonder if he's showing his parents 'skills' in front of you for sure or if he really can be that stern of a dad. Either way, Sarada let out a big groan so, maybe he is that stern when it comes to this kind of stuff. As he should be.

"Anytime Sasuke. Send my regards to Sakura. Goodbye Sarada. I'll see you soon" You said as you extended your arms out for a hug. She flashed a big smile as she rushed over to you and gave you a big goodbye hug. It felt nice. You missed her and was too busy to see her because of everything that was going on with everyone. You did hope that you would be able to see her soon. You sort of blamed yourself for her running away because she did it all to be able to see you and spend time with you. You were away on your mission and right when you came back, you had the help the Hokage seal away evil chakra and save his best friend from being possessed by said evil chakra; you've been having a long few months.

After escorting Sasuke and Sarada to the door, you waved at her once more before closing the door. It was right there that you realized that you didn't even ask how Sasuke was doing after being possessed by a foreign power that we still don't know much about. Next time? You let out a long and tiring sigh as you slide down the door with your back up against it. You felt so exhausted and drained emotionally and physically that all you wanted to do was to go back to bed. Thinking about it, you thought it would be better to see Fumiko later tonight when most of the guards were away. That way you could have some privacy with her. Your heart started to race a little at the thought of seeing Fumiko. But, your heart raced even more at the thought of seeing Sakura again after what you said to her. 

It was then that it hit you-you confessed your love for her. It was all hitting you now! You covered your face in shamed as you scrunched up into a little ball. You couldn't believe you did that! You couldn't believe she hasn't said anything since! Does she think it's weird!? You slowly got your body off from the floor as you made your way back to your bed. It was still early, you'll take care of things later on into the day.


You ended up sleeping most of the day, which was what you were hoping for. All you wanted to do was to go to Fumiko, come back home, watch some shows and then go back to sleep. Everything has been going so fast for what feels like a long time. You were really beginning to feel drained from everything. You didn't mean to feel that way towards Sakura and her family but you couldn't help but feel as though things were being poured onto you. You still thought a little about when you first came back to the village and the first thing you had to come home to was Sakura crying. You needed this. You needed some time to yourself so that you could figure things out; you needed time to think.

You got out of bed and looked at the clock on the side of your bed. It was almost 10 pm. You thought this would be a good time to see Fumiko. You made sure you had everything before leaving your place. You closed the door behind you and locked it. You decided to take the long way over to where Fumiko was staying. She was going to be let go tomorrow. You wondered what kind of day she's had. You also hoped that she was okay. You wanted to take a long way since tonight the weather felt fresh. You were also able to see some stars. It isn't like before when there were fewer lights in the village and you were able to see many stars.

That was one of the let downs from the village advancing, it became harder to enjoy the simpler parts of life like the stars or the moon. You let out a sigh as you remembered the day with Sakura. You told her that you'll always love her but you had to move on. You couldn't believe that you picked that moment to confess to her and tell her that you're moving on from her. You even remembered kissing her on the cheek and not giving her a chance to respond to much of what you said. You remembered holding her and it feeling right but wrong at the same time. You knew why you were doing it and Sasuke was right there passed out. All you did was let out a sigh as you did your best to enjoy the night.

These were the sort of things you were trying to do more; enjoy yourself.

It took about 25 minutes to make it to where the Hokage's office is. Instead of going upstairs, you went downstairs to where Fumiko is staying. You spoke to one of the guards that were on duty asking if it were okay to see her. The guard said it was alright. You thanked him and made your way to her. As you made it to her cell, you saw that she was sleeping. It was then that you realized how inconsiderate you were being. You didn't think about what time she could have fallen asleep. You knocked yourself on the head softly - you felt dumb. You went back to the guard to ask if you could leave a note for her to wake up to. He didn't see why not. 

In your note, you mentioned that you came to visit but you were super inconsiderate and came at a late hour. You apologized and said that you would try to come earlier tomorrow to pick her up. You also wrote down that you had the feeling that she wouldn't want you to but you wanted to do that for her anyway so that you could see her before she left. You placed the note into her cell. 

You went back to the guard for a final time and asked what time she would be let out. The guard said he thinks around 5 pm. So you'll do your best to be there before time just in case. As you were leaving, you left and let out a long sigh - again. You were really hoping to see her and now it comes off as you not keeping your word since you said you were going to see her. You hoped that she didn't up wait for you. A part of you doubted it but we can't always tell what people are capable of at first glance.

You made your way back to your apartment so that you could watch a couple episodes of some random show that might be on. It was nice to think about having more downtime. Getting back, you locked the door behind you and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water to chug down. It was then that you had an off but familiar feeling. You walked back to your door and opened it.


"Good evening (y/n). Sorry for showing up so late but I came before and you weren't here."

"This can't wait until tomorrow?"

"I'm here now aren't I?"

"You are.....come in I guess." You ushered him in and he made his way into your kitchen and stood there for a moment.

"No tea?"

"No tea? He shows up to my place and just expects tea to be laid out for him?" It was then that you let out of a sigh because he is a guest at your house and you didn't want to be rude - even if it is Sasuke.

"Sure. I'll make some for us."

You went over to your cabinets, got some tea leaves and starting making some tea for you and Sasuke.

"Meanwhile the tea is being made, may I ask you why you're here?"

"I came to talk to you about Sakura and your confession to her." 

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