New Love Interest?

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You barely slept. You stayed up late because your mind was racing. You kept thinking about the conversation you had with Sasuke last night. 

Now, it was early in the morning and you looked at the clock. You were debating whether or not you had enough time to sleep a little more or you had to get up now before missing Fumiko. That was the last thing you wanted. She was done being interrogated and hopefully, she was going to be set free. But, you still wanted to have your talk with her. Maybe she changed her mind and decided her village could become allies with the hidden leaf.

You let out a long yawn and decided to get out of bed. You figured that if you go now, you can spend the rest of the day resting. You did you best to move fast enough when it came to getting dressed and getting something to eat. You raided your fridge to see if there was any apple juice and fortunately there was. You poured yourself a large glass hoping it would all give you the energy you needed. You didn't want to appear too tired in front of Fumiko.

You slowly drank most of the juice and checked the time; it was 10:30 am now. You put the now empty glass in the sink and made a mental note to clean up everything later which you probably won't do. You made it to your door, finally, and let out a long and exhausting sigh. You wanted this day to be over already considering the little sleep you're running on. But, you still wanted to try to sort things out with Fumiko while you still had the chance. You exited your home and rushed over to the Hokage's office.

It took some time but it took you about half an hour to make your way over. You entered the cell area, where Fumiko was staying, and you asked the guard if it was okay to speak with her. They gave you the okay to go and you rushed over to her.


There she was, you were able to beat the time she was going to be released. You were actually glad to have made it.

"(y/n), you came. I read your note. I'm sorry you came and I was already asleep. As you can imagine, I had a long day."

"Don't apologize. I'm the one who should be. I should have come earlier. I'm sorry I didn't."

She smiled at your response. You smiled at her too. Then you felt a strong energy and knew it was the Hokage.

"Lord Hokage." You said as you bowed to him.

"Good morning, (y/n). You're early."

"I didn't want to miss seeing Fumiko, sir."

"I see. Well...we decided to let her go for now. But, don't think we won't lock you back up if anything happens in the future."

"Understood," Fumiko replied. She looked happy as the Hokage opened her cell up and let her walk out. It was nice to see her even though she looks a little rough. I can imagine how difficult things could have been for her this passing weekend. Lord seventh led her to the front to finish up the last of the paper and let her go.

"I apologize for things being so rough but it was all mandatory."

"No worries, Hokage, no hard feelings."

"I see. Well, I wish you luck in your endeavors and have a safe trip back to your village."

"Thank you." You followed Fumiko after she exited the building. You thought this could be a good chance to ask her if she would like to come over to your place.

"Fumiko...would you like to come over?"

"Well...I could use a shower that isn't near a jail cell." You smiled. You didn't think she would have said yes. This was perfect. You would be able to have your conversation with her after all. Maybe after a nap.


You two got back to your place and you offered your shower to her. You even offered to make her a late breakfast. She agreed and you go to cooking. You wanted to be done with the food by the time she got out the shower. In about half an hour, you were done with the food and everything was plated. You just hoped she would like it.

Fumiko was out the shower and back into her clothes stretching her arms up high.

"Wow! It smells great."

"I'm glad you think so. Help yourself." She smiles.

"Thank you so much. Actually, thank you for everything."

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything."

"You didn't have to come visit me. Twice even."

"Oh! I! I didn't want you to feel lonely in the jail cell you know." You were blushing a little bit.

"Offering your home to me and fixing me up a home-cooked meal. That's effort."

"I thought it was the least I could do. You don't appear to be a bad person to me. You've been away from your village for who knows how long. I wanted to help out."

Her eyes widen a bit at your generosity. She said thank you for the meal you made for her and started to eat as she had a small smile on her face.

"That was really kind of you."

"I try." You responded as you did the same and started eating. It has been a while since you've even cooked for yourself.

"What are your plans after this?" You asked her in mid-bite.

"I really just want to go home." She responded earnestly. You couldn't blame her. She looked very tuckered out too.

"Okay. How about this. You spend your last day at Konoha with me, I'll take you out on a friendly date, you get to rest up here and have a clean start tomorrow morning. Sounds like a plan?"

She giggled at your offer.

"I was thinking to head back tonight but, you offer does sound very tempting. Yeah. Sure. I don't see why not."

"Great. There are a few good places to visit and a few great places to have dinner at. Would you like to go exploring later?"

"That sounds refreshing. I'd love to."


After you two finished eating, you picked up all the plates and actually cleaned them up on the spot so that you wouldn't have dishes to clean later on after your date with Fumiko.

"Alright! Everything is clean. Ready to head out?"

"I am."

"Great. So, there is this beautiful park not very far from here that I think you'd like to see."

You were explaining to her and you walked over to the main door and opened it for her to walk through first. Right after, you followed suit making sure everything was locked before leaving.

"You don't say." Her tone seemed a bit sarcastic.

"I'm serious. It's a nice park. Fun things to do for the kids."

"For the kids? So what are we gonna do then?"

"Well, we just ate. I thought we'd go for a walk."

"Hmm. And then what?" You blushed a bit at her question.

"Well, if you really wanna know before we get there. There is a swing set and I thought it would be nice to push you a bit. I thought it would be fun. Kiddy but fun."

She appeared to have blushed a little as well.

"That does sound fun. I can't wait."

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