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Well the New years finally did come around. I thought I'd never see the end of it. Mum was pretty understanding when I told her the whole thing. And she promised not to tell dad, I'd do that my self.

School had already started again and dad hasn't been able to come home because of one problem he has with work and all that. Alicia and I came back yesterday since she had an early class today. I was reading my chemistry textbook when the class suddenly went silent. I looked up and our v.c was standing by the door. She looked up from the folder she was holding and her green eyes which seemed very familiar stared by at me. 

" Roxanne Stars. My office. Now."

" I must say my dear. You are not what I expected. You look so different from Oscar and Matilda." She said

" You know my parents?" I asked her ,very curious to know why she knew them.

" Yes. We went to school together. When Oscar told me his daughter was coming to my school, I was very impressed and I hope you and my son will get along well. But honestly, you different from the picture in your school I.d.Where did you get all the acts together?"

" Well it's a very long story." I said scratching the back of my head.

" Well I look for to hearing. You look very lovely and you don't have any makeup on. But that's that." She said sitting down.

" My reason for calling you is actually a good thing. You see, in your present homeroom, you made the highest score in the previous exams. And every semester, the highest student are chosen according to the various courses they're taking. So you've been moved to the SSclass. It's a tradition we do every year. But now your things are being moved there. You have the rest of the day off from school work to allow you get ready for tomorrow." She finally completed.

I looked at her for some time,trying to analyze the information just given to me.

" Um..Roxy?"

" So ...the special study class is a good thing right?" I asked.

" Off course. You'll meet familiar faces from you're parents  class. Don't flop in your studies okay?"

" I won't. Thanks a lot." I said

" Don't mention it. Just do your best." She said.

"I will." I said and walked out the door.

" Roxy!" I heard her call me.

I walked back into her office.

" I'll be waiting on the tips for your latest makeover.


" Wow that must be really nice. I heard so much about the special study class last semester." Leslie said as we hung out with Shannelle in McDonalds.

" Yeah. She called most of us from the arts department and she told me I almost made it, if I do better next semester I might make it." Alicia said.

" Yeah. You girls should do well in school. As for me, my peeps and I suggested opening our own restaurant. Not something huge but just enough to keep business going."Shannelle said.

" That's good. Hopefully we'll be seeing more of each other right?" I asked.

" Count on it."

" Yeah by the way, I heard that there's a party coming up this Saturday I the science main hall."  Alicia said smiling.

" A party?" Leslie asked.
." Don't you know what a party means?" Alicia asked

" What?" Alicia and I looked at each other and smiled.


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