Chapter 1

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*3rd POV*

A magic circle opens on the floor of the ORC and a black-haired half fallen angel, half demon walks out

"Hello Rias,  you called?"

"Ah, akeno, there have been some rumors about a rogue devil in the area recently and I would like you to look around town on patrol just on the off chance that the devil may show itself or try to abduct someone"

"ok, no problem, this just gives me a great reason to take a walk around town"

*Akeno's POV*

Akeno then started to walk around town absentmindedly while taking in the sights and keeping her senses sharp so she could react if the rouge devil showed itself, though nothing eventful was occurring at the moment, just lots of couples being all lovey-dovey and parents playing with their children. Seeing all of those happy couples made Akeno a  little envious of the idea of finding someone that you love just being around. 

"Sadly, a good boyfriend is like a unicorn, pretty wonderful, but sadly imaginary," Akeno thought to herself as she walked past a bakery when her stomach growled quite loudly, and Akeno blushed a little from embarrassment since the people walking right next to her looked over at her. 

"well,i guess I should probably get some food" she thought to herself and as she walked towards the bakery, she saw a sight that stopped her in her tracks. There was this elderly woman ordering a small pastry and there was a rather short boy working as a cashier, who was shaking like a leaf as he gave her the pastry and he seemed very nervous over this normal looking woman who wasn't doing anything and looked like the typical grandmother. 

Akeno had to try very hard to stifle a laugh at the sight of such a tiny boy being so nervous around a normal old lady who was just ordering a pastry. she guessed that this boy was shy or something similar and the sight brightened her day just because of how comical the situation was. 

The raven-haired beauty then walked into the bakery and ordered a small cake that looked rather fancy from the intricate icing design to the small strawberry in the middle of a flower of frosting. her mouth borderline watered as she saw something that looked so delicious. 

"h-hello mam, w-welcome to L'Patisserie is there anything y-you would like this e-evening?" the short boy shakily asked

Akeno once again had to stifle a laugh at just how nervous this boy was around everyone, but after a moment, she composed herself and smiled while saying "well, I would like this mini strawberry cake please" He then walked over to the display and took the small and intricate cake out she grew a devious smile on her face and as the short boy walked up to the counter to give her the cake he shakily held the cake in front of him while his eyes were darting around nervously. When the short boy extended the cake Akeno leaned over the counter so that her face was right next to his and whispered into his ear, "I will also take your phone number cutie" after she said this, his face turned beet red and almost dropped the cake and after fumbling with the cake for a few seconds and trying to get a stable grip on it, he nervously squeaked "I am s-sorry ma'am, b-but that i-is not on the m-menu" he was beet red and staring at his shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world as he tried not to drop the cake again.

Akeno, then started giggling uncontrollably, she couldn't help it, this small brown haired boy was so freaking adorable she then shakily said, a little out of breath from laughing so much and a wide smile on her face "relax, you don't have to worry, I was only joking" his hands then steadied slightly though, still shaking somewhat and his blush lessened a little bit as he handed her the small pastry he then quickly got her change from the register and gave it to her with an awkward small bow as she left.

 she looked back and smiled as she stood on the sidewalk and smiled back at him, except for this time he wasnt blushing, he was pale as a ghost with a look of terror on his face and she saw him she then noticed a rather large shadow behind her as she realized that the stray devil that she had been sent to track down had snuck up on her from behind and was about to slice her in two with it's massive claws and she suddenly felt a push from her left and ended up falling just to watch with horror as the small boy from the bakery was there where she had been, sweat painted his face and he mouthed a small sentence with a smile before the claws made contact with his body "I'm glad you're all right" she then saw the claws dig into his side, and watched the claw make contact with his body and send him flying into a wall where the crater in the wall was so large that the wall nearly fell down and akeno looked at the monster who had just attacked the innocent, defenseless small boy who had just saved her life. she had never felt anger like this before and she was going to make sure that this creature felt the wrath of the devil known as the priestess of thunder.

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