Chapter 12

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*Hideo POV*

Hideo was lying on his bed writing in a book filled with sticky notes and writing. He was in the middle of writing when he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around his neck, Hideo quickly closed the book and turned around quickly to see a devilish smile reach Akeno's lips. "What was that?"

"Nothing special, just some notes for class is all" Akeno then leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips which caused Hideo's face to become flushed and embarrassed. "are you sure it's not one of those sexy magazines?" Hideo started stammering and blushing and frantically explaining that he would never buy one of those. Akeno pulled him closer to him and gave him a warm hug. "you are just too cute for words, you know that, makes me want to just eat. you. up." She then bit on his ear gently which made his face practically radiate heat and he buried his head in Akeno's chest to try to hide his face from her. Akeno just started giggling and hugged him tight and they stayed like that until Hideo looked at the clock to see it was 10 minutes until the start of school and he jumped out of his bed and ran to school as fast as he could.

*Time Skip*

As Hideo ran to his desk, sweat covered and panting from running all the way to class. The teacher was giving a lecture and Hideo was thinking about Akeno as usual, he heard the teacher say the word "midterms" and snapped out of his daze as he realized midterms were only two weeks away and he needed to study if he wanted to pass the year 'Well this is gonna be a long weekend' he thought with a sigh

Hideo later met up with Kojiro in the Café after looking for Akeno who was nowhere to be found.

"Guess she is at another ORC meeting"

"Oh, by the way, do you still have that old diary of yours from when you were little?"

"It's a journal, and yeah so what?" Hideo muttered in an embarrassed tone.

"Just wondering, by the way, since I am the best brother in the world, I got us tickets to that new water park that just opened, I got one for all three of us, and I get to enjoy the park while you two have a little "fun in the sun" if you know what I mean" Kojiro said with a smirk while Hideo has a curious look on his face while he tried to figure out why Kojiro smirked when he said "Fun In the sun" which caused his brother to start howling in laughter and ruffling his brothers unruly hair.

"You are too pure bro, don't worry, Akeno knows exactly what that means" Hideo then headed back to his classes with a look of dread since he had to take four more exams before the day was over.

*Time Skip*

Hideo walked into the house sleepily from the recent exams lasting the entire day, he trudged his way up the stairs to see the light on in his room, Hideo didn't think anything of it and started walking towards the kitchen to get a snack when he remembered that he never put away his journal, and that it was lying there on the bed for anyone to see his personal thoughts and embarrassing entry's. He sprinted through the house and up the stairs and his face froze in shock for a second when he saw Akeno holding his journal with a wide smile on her face as she saw him come in the door.

"Hey, welcome home, I was gonna borrow your notes from class since I had an ORC meeting and missed some of class and you're are always really detailed"

"T-Those aren't the notes you're looking for, so I would really appreciate it if you didn't look through that please"

"Why? It's just a notebook right?" Akeno flopped through a couple of pages and a blush appeared on her face along with a smirk.

"Oh my, Well isn't this interesting, I didn't know you were so bold," Akeno said in a teasing tone

Hideo's face went bright red as he frantically tried to grab his journal (Diary) from Akeno as she held it above his head while reading page after page of his embarrassing personal thoughts and feelings, most of them relating to Akeno and their relationship and lots of mushy poems and thoughts about his girlfriend.

Hideo just looked down with his face bright red and looked at the ground in immense embarrassment as Akeno read aloud some of the entries from his journal.

Today I went shopping for a gift for Akeno, I want to get her a gift as good as her, she is the best thing that ever happened to me, I'm so glad that someone as perfect as her loves someone like me

Hideo just fell down with a defeated look on his face as all of his personal and embarrassing thoughts were read by his girlfriend. He then heard a book close and a pair of arms wrap around him.

"Hey, I'm sorry I teased you so much, you just look really cute when you're embarrassed so I couldn't help myself." Akeno then gave him a peck on the cheek and Hideo felt himself getting picked up and looked as Akeno started walking towards their bedroom while carrying him with her arm.

"Um, what are you doing Akeno?"

"I'm taking you to the bedroom lover boy, we are gonna have some fun tonight and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

"Wait, Akeno noooooo!" Hideo pled as the door to the bedroom slowly closed and he was used as a hug pillow and put in several embarrassing positions as he and Akeno cuddled and slept for the rest of the night with a full moon overhead, illuminating the sky.

However, there was a middle-aged man with raven black wings looking through the window at the sleeping couple with a grimace clear on his face.

"You are just a pathetic human, I will never allow this whether it's what she wants or not I cannot allow her to be with a lowly human of all things"

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