Chapter 11 (Christmas Time)

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Hey guys, I'm finally back and sorry for the delay but I will be pumping out more chapters from now on, just had a little school trouble and then I screwed up my hand but I'm back in business. Also, vote if you want an image of Hideo and akeno together for the last chapter of the book, if we can get over 30 votes I will commission an artist to get a picture of Hideo and akeno together for the last chapter of the book.

*3rd POV*

After about a week, akeno had fully recovered and Hideo had recently been trying to spend more time with akeno then he had in the past and this did not go unnoticed by akeno, who liked all the attention she was getting. She noticed that Christmas was coming up pretty soon and was thinking of a way to surprise Hideo in a way that only she could, it was then when a smirk appeared on her face as she had figured out the perfect surprise for her shy boyfriend.

While akeno was preparing her surprise, Hideo was going from shop to shop to try to find something akeno would like he was thinking to himself 'She always does so much for me, I have to do something really awesome this Christmas as a thank you and as her boyfriend.' As he thought this he did a fist pump and rushed home to prepare his gift. When he got home, he ran up to his room and started working on the making this the best Christmas ever for himself and for akeno.

*Time Skip to Christmas*

Hideo was coming back from picking up the eggnog and other Christmas treats and when he got home, he noticed that akeno was gone, we looked around the house when he found a letter attached to the refrigerator.

I have a very special present for you, go under the tree and go to the biggest box in the room and open it, I'm sure you will love it <3

Hideo then walked over to their rather tall Christmas tree which they had spent a full day decorating, and he tried to open the big box which took a lot of awkward struggling and tugging since the box was sealed pretty well. After he finally opened the box, he looked down to see only a sticky note with some small writing on it.

Turn around

Hideo turned around and almost fell over when he saw akeno, wearing nothing but red ribbons barely covering her private bits. Akeno swayed her hips with a smug look on her face as she walked towards a very red-faced Hideo stumbling backward until he fell over on his back. Akeno then climbed onto him with her arms on either side of his head, like a predator hunting its prey. She then leaned over to a heavily blushing Hideo and whispered into his ear "You like your present?" Hideo barely moved his head up and down and then she fell down and hugged him. "I'm glad you liked it darling, I noticed you've been trying to spend more time with me lately, even canceling your plans just to be with me and it really means a lot to me, so thank you" 

"No, problem, you mean more to me than anything else so of course, I would want to spend time with you, I just hoped I wasn't coming off as too clingy," Hideo said, still red-faced with a little bit of blood trickling from his nose at the sight in front of him

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Akeno then leaned down and kissed him and they started having a heated make-out session and at the end, Hideo looked like a tomato and he closed his eyes and muttered quietly "Um, also, would it be ok if you changed, please" Akeno just picked him up bridal style, which embarrassed him even more, even if he didn't really mind it and sat down on the couch with his head on her lap. "Sorry, but I'm not changing out of this for the rest of the day, I meant it when I said this is your present, plus you're too adorable when you're all flustered and embarrassed, it just makes me want to eat you up" she said as she nibbled on his ear, causing a small yelp from Hideo as his face was very flushed and he curled up with his head still on her lap as she started running her fingers through his hair. "Um, akeno, I also have a present for you" "Oh? is it an outfit matching mine?"Akeno giggled as steam came out of Hideo's face. "Relax I was only kidding, but if you want to, I won't argue" "No I'm good, I promise"

Hideo then walked upstairs and came back with a small box on top of a fairly large one that Hideo seemed to be struggling to hold up, he finally set it on the table and gave the smaller of the two to akeno, it was a scarf that he handed to her which she happily took with a smile on her face as she pulled him into a tight hug which he gladly returned. "Its, hand knitted and if you run your lightning through it, it heats up to keep you warm" he said while fidgeting with his hands nervously, after a moment, he got up and after a little struggling, lifted the lid on the bigger box to reveal a massive cake decorated from top to bottom with all sorts of decorations with ornate writing that read Merry Christmas Akeno!  at the top. Akeno was drooling at the sight of this massive cake and looked at Hideo who was looking at her nervously, akeno tackled him on the couch with a kiss and had tears in her eyes. "I love it Hideo, you really are the best boyfriend ever" 

After about a couple hours of eating the cake, drinking eggnog and watching Christmas movies, Hideo was stumbling around, drunk from the eggnog. Akeno was just laughing as he hiccuped and stumbled around drunkenly, then he started talking with a slur. "You know what Isse- *Hic*, Akeno's is the best girlfriend someone could ask for and you can't have her, she's my girlfriend and, she's nice and smart a- *Hic* and funny, and the girl I want to marry one day, so yo- *Hic* can't have her understand me- *Hic*" Hideo said as he stumbled around and eventually passed out on the couch where akeno just looked at him with tears of happiness flowing down her face at what he just said and she just ran her fingers through his hair as he slept curled up into a little ball and occaisonally having a small hiccup which she found adorable. Akeno brought him to the bed and snuggled close to him while holding him tightly while whispering quietly into his ear, "I can't wait for the day you ask me to be your wife, It will be the happiest one of my life."

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