Chapter 20(Finale and Epilouge)

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Hey guys, it's been a good run and I'm so grateful for all of the support for this story throughout its duration, don't worry guys, I will have another story up and running almost immediately and this will not be the end of my stories. Thank you to all of you so much for the support it really means the world, also since we reached our goal, here is some artwork of Hideo and Akeno together the artist's Instagram is @smol.cheesepoof.

As Akeno and her peerage were weeping over Hideo's dead body, a large snake appeared in front of all of them and spoke with a loud and authoritative voice.

"I am apophis, god of chaos and enemy of ra, I am not by any means a benevolent god nor am I an ally to any of you, however, in this recent battle, my disciple and one of your comrades perished in the fight and due to the necessary balance of this world, which was just filled with an immense amount of chaos, I will grant you all the greatest boon I can give by my powers as a god, that is to say life, life is the origin of order and of chaos and I shall grant you that life as is due."

Apophis then started to emanate darkness that flowed into Hideo's body and his body vanished and two large pillars of darkness appeared some feet from the bench, and out of the pillars, walked a living and breathing Kojiro and Hideo as everyone including he brothers looked extremely surprised that they were there.

Hideo was looking down at his body in perfect shape about a moment before he was tackled almost immediately by a still crying Akeno who was clutching onto him for dear life while everyone else was still in shock.

"Y-You idiot, why would you do that, don't you ever think of doing something so stupid again, I'm supposed to protect you, not the other way around, you are never allowed to leave me again for any reason you hear? I love you so much Hideo so don't you dare ever leave me again, I didn't even know what to do, I didn't even want to live anymore you can't do that kinda stuff anymore, I love you too much and you promised you would never leave me again, so don't even think about leaving okay?" Akeno sobbed as she held him as tight as she possibly could while crying into his chest.

Hideo started crying as well as he hugged her as hard as he could and started apologizing again and again for leaving her and they were both a crying mess that was holding on to each other for what felt like hours.

At the same time, Kojiro was practically dog-piled by everyone else in the peerage as they were all very happy that both of them were alive again and everyone was sobbing in the joy that everyone was okay.

After they finally stopped the celebrations, they looked up to thank Apophis but he had already disappeared and so they started walking home, with Akeno not letting go of Hideo the entire time and for the entire next month, she was constantly near him or in physical contact with him and was protective for awhile as she was still recovering from the shock, after about a month she started to return to normal, with the exception of being extra affectionate with him everywhere they went.

*Lord of all time skips*

Bells were ringing and doves were flying across the sky in the sunny morning as everyone had assembled in dresses and suits as they watched a woman clad all in white, walk down the aisle, arm in arm with a stern-faced bearded man in a very luxurious suit, standing at the end of the aisle was a short man in tuxedo and a blond haired woman in a priest's clothes. The woman clad in white walked up opposite to the man as the priest started listing wedding vows, in the crowd, a tall very handsome man was trying to hold back tears along with quite a few others who were all one extravagant dresses as they watched the precession. As the priest finished listing the vows, the woman lifted up the veil to show Akeno's smiling face as she looked at Hideo who was dressed in a suit and who was practically beaming from ear to ear. The priest finally finished and the man slipped a ring onto the woman's slender finger that had an engraving on the inside reading "I would sooner give up everything I have ever had than spend my life without you." As the rings were in both of their fingers the priest then finished the vows and stated with joy "you may now kiss the bride" and as soon as the words came out of her mouth, the two were locked in a passionate kiss and everyone started cheering and crying tears of joy.

The handsome man walked up to the shorter groom and patted him on the back firmly "good going bro, I told you she was a keeper" he said with an endearing smile. At the same time, a red-haired woman walked up and embraced Akeno and congratulated her on the wedding. "I'm so happy for both of you Akeno, you guys deserve all of the happiness in the world". After the vows, the merriment continued late into the evening, with Rias catching the bouquet, much to the shock of the brown haired male she had been in a relationship with. All of them partied and rejoiced the day away and eventually, it was just Hideo and Akeno alone looking at the sunset with their arms linked looking deep into each other's eyes, and they embraced in a passionate kiss as the sun set in the background and a strike of lightning could be seen in the distance in the shape of a heart as Akeno picked up Hideo bridal style and started walking to their hotel, with Hideo now blushing slightly as he was being carried like a princess by his wife, but he didn't protest as he was just too overjoyed to complain, the two spent the rest of their lives together and they spent everyday still acting like newlyweds as they were always very passionate and one day when they were walking along the streets hand in hand, they saw a bakery off to the side of the road and just looked at each other and smiled at each other as they remembered  how the love between a baker and a devil had begun.

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