ii. cameron, ᵃᵛᵃᶦˡᵃᵇˡᵉ

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TITLE. Cameron
LOVE INTEREST. John Proudstar
OC NAME. Camille Johnson
FACE CLAIM. Jessica Alba

 Jessica Alba

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❝ I'll set fire to the world around me to get to you. ❞


Camille Johnson had never been one for love. She didn't believe in happy endings or true love's kiss. In fact, she had a motto: kiss em, fuck em and leave em. And she followed that motto very strictly. But one person changed that. It was the classic love story really. She met a man and fell in love. They got married very young but Camille was sure that she'd found her soulmate. Camille was ready to leave everything behind for him. They moved to the suburbs together and that was where their story ended. Her husband died nearly a year after their marriage and Camille fell apart. She pushed everybody who cared about her away and refused to leave her home. She found out after that she was pregnant with a child that would have to grow up without its father. But she was determined to give her child the best life. She dedicated her everything to preparing herself for motherhood and when she finally gave birth, she fell in love with her daughter the first time she laid her eyes on her.

She named her Cameron after her father. It had always been Cameron and Camille against the world even when Camille discovered her own powers. Camille was willing to die to protect her daughter. She'd never needed to make that sacrifice until Cameron showed signs of the X-gene in her own blood. Sentinel Services took her baby girl from her and Camille swore that she'd make their lives hell.


She has the power to make the power to change her appearance at will.

plot by daniella.

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