iii. pheonix, ᵃᵛᵃᶦˡᵃᵇˡᵉ

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TITLE. Phoenix
LOVE INTEREST. Lauren Strucker*
OC NAME. Jordan Potter*
FACE CLAIM. Jordan Fisher

 Jordan Fisher

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❝And from the ashes, I will rise. ❞


Jordan had a knack for playing hero. He helped those in need. It was what he did. He'd always wanted to be somebody's knight in shining armor and he did his best to be a good person. Perhaps, he was naive but he believed that there were people who were less fortunate than him and that he had to do everything in his power to help. The boy chose to play the role of Superman. It got him in trouble quite a lot. He was the kind of person to run towards danger instead of away.

When Jordan raced into a burning building to help a little girl caught in the fire, he put himself directly in danger. The flames licked his skin and engulfed him wholly but Jordan was not hurt. He became something else that day. A creature with the abilities to control fire and use its flames to his advantage. Jordan donned a costume and a cape, giving himself the name "Pheonix." He became a vigilante who tasked himself with helping the people around him.

But despite his heroics, the Pheonix had earned himself many enemies. Especially one by the name of Jace Turner.


Jordan's personality is super sweet. Also, I would really appreciate if you didn't change his face claim.

He's pyrokinetic. Jace Turner(a.k.a guy in Sentinel Services) hates the Pheonix because he's a mutant and the people seem to love him.

You can make this play out however you want but at some point, he finds himself in a tough situation(being chased by Sentinel Services) and he winds up in the underground. 
He's a very positive person and that kind of annoys Lauren at first but he's very interested in her (he finds her interesting). He also calls himself The Pheonix a lot which also annoys Lauren.

( plot by daniella! )

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