i. clairvoyant, ᵃᵛᵃᶦˡᵃᵇˡᵉ

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TITLE. Clairvoyant
LOVE INTEREST. Andy Strucker
OC NAME. Agatha "Aggie" Manuel
FACE CLAIM. Isabella Moner

 Isabella Moner

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❝Somewhere, there is somebody looking for the kind of strange you are.


Aggie had heard that she was crazy enough times that she was starting to believe it. She'd been admitted to a psychiatric hospital when she was just nine years old. Her incoherent tales had gotten her labeled as insane by her parents. They tried at first to connect with their unusual daughter but after a while, they seemed to have forgotten that she'd ever existed. She simply became a distant memory. Their crazy unseen daughter. What she really was, was clairvoyant. Cursed with knowledge beyond her control. She'd found out that she was a mutant when she was very young. Her life had never been the same ever since. She thought she was doomed to spend all of her life being examined by psychiatrists until Jace Turner.

Aggie had thought the man would be her salvation. Her way out. But she'd simply abandoned one prison for another. She became his secret weapon. His defense against the mutants. He used her knowledge to track down mutants and in return, she got three meals a day. It wasn't a great way of living but it was better than anything she'd ever known. She'd never thought there'd be a way out until John and Marcos got her out and brought her to the underground.

It was there that she met the boy who didn't seem to think that she was crazy.


She's a clairvoyant, meaning that she can the future to some extent. Her family thinks she's crazy and they've pretty much given up on her. She has low self-esteem and has a hard time interacting with others. She was Jace Turner's pet until she came to the underground. She's 15

Even if you don't make Andy her love interest, make her and Andy friends. He's fascinated by her powers which is something that is new to her (but like, Andy needs more love). Make her more than a love interest. Build a story for her, give her a family. She should struggle with finding self-worth.

Please try not to change the face claim because it took a while to find an age appropriate person. If you do please make sure that she's not older than 16 because the actor that plays Andy is 16.

plot by daniella.

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