i. anomaly, ᵃᵛᵃᶦˡᵃᵇˡᵉ

666 17 4

TITLE. Anomaly
OC NAME. Raphael Shor*
FACE CLAIM. Asa Butterfield

 Asa Butterfield

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  ❝Accept yourself as you were designed. ❞ 


Raphael had grown to hate himself. He hated that he was different, hated that he couldn't react to things the way other people could. He hated his abilities. The boy had been diagnosed with autism at a young age and it had always been clear that he was different. He spoke but not very often and that got him labelled as a retard at school. The headphones that were constantly around his head probably didn't help either.

It wasn't until he turned eleven that he realized how different he was. He'd woken up one night to the sound of his mother screaming and his father beating her to a pulp. He still remembered the words that his father had uttered that night. Retards don't grow on my side of the family tree. Ralph had never really processed things the way other people did. He didn't process the fact that his own father had insulted him. He didn't process the sounds. What he processed was that his father was hurting somebody that he loved.

The x-gene manifested itself in his body that night. The boy unknowingly sent seismic waves throughout the room that dropped the roof on his father's head. His father died that night and Raphael went on the run with his mother and sister. They stayed with his aunt for a while until she figured out what Ralph was and alerted the authorities. He moved constantly switching between motels and family members until they found the underground.

The place was filled with people just like him but Raphael still felt out of place. But maybe being different wasn't such a bad thing.


I'll probably be kind of picky about who writes this because this kind of character needs a lot of research. He has autism. Not autistic. He has autism. Saying "autistic" is considered offensive. You need a lot of research to writes this because he is very complex. Keep in mind that every person is different. What works for everyone else might not work for him. Music helps him block out everything else because he is kind of sensitive to sound. He might not respond to his name being called or him being spoken to. He can talk but he doesn't talk very often. There are a lot more things about him but these are very basic guidelines. Build on this. He is higher functioning on the Autism Spectrum so it can be considered Aspergers. Also, please remember that Autism isn't the only part of his personality. There is more to him than that so please make him diverse and complex.

Please refrain from changing the face claim. I see his mother being played by Ginnifer Goodwin and his sister by Liz Gillies.

He can manipulate vibration. He is very much like Quake from Agents of Shield or Vibe from Flash. He is very powerful and there are a lot that he can do with his powers so please research.

plot by daniella.

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