The Pilot- Chapter One

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I had lived in Washington my entire life, it was just me my dad and mum. Things changed when two years ago she passed away from cancer,my relationship between me and my dad has never been the same since. My dads name is Peter and he is the firefighter chief I suppose, others in the town are inspired by his work and most importantly bravery. My dad has wanted to move out of our house in Washington for years, not because he doesn't like the house but because it reminds him to much of my mum. So that is why when dad got offered a new job in a different state he took it, he will still be a firefighter and a chief for that matter. Reminders of mum is something dad hates, when she first died he packed all her stuff into a box and shipped it over to my grandparents who live in Arizona. He couldn't even bring himself to look at me for a week because I had my mothers deep brown eyes. My dad is very tall and big, not because he is fat he just is built big. He has scruffy brown hair like mine and hazel eyes, they make his face appear softer.

I really would miss all my friends here, last night our neighbours and friends threw us a barbecue as a fare well gift. A few others came back over to help us pack the last of our stuff into the car. John Jones, he was my dads best friend and he use to work with my mum. 'So are ya excited, Leah?' John asked and fiddled with the buckle of his jeans, if you saw him you'd think he had just come out of an old western film. He wore cowboy boots, a big sturdy belt and a cowboy hat even in winter. 'Yeah I guess so.' I mumbled awkwardly, I looked around hoping I would find a que to leave the conversation. He stroked his beard and watched me intently. 'I know that Ana was always fond of this lil house so me and the town will take good care of it.' As he spoke he patted the wood on the house firmly, I winced at my mothers name, well nickname,her real name was Anastasia. My dad had just put the last box in his truck, this was the moment I was dreading. It was time reality would hit and I would be saying goodbye. 'Well John thanks for helping me.' Dad said as he climbed the front steps, his laugh lines crinkled as he smiled at us both. John shook dads hand. 'I will miss ya buddy.' I awkwardly waved goodbye to John and shuffled my way to the truck, the truck was already running which meant the heater was on in the car. I took my hands and placed them in front of the heater vents, warming myself up. Dad got in and started the car, we slowly drove away from our little house in silence. I had a gut feeling we wouldn't be returning even for vacation, like I said dad wasn't keen on reminders of mum.

The trip there was small talk between my dad and I. We both didn't really know what to say, my dad wasn't much of a talker and neither was I, so we both didn't mind the silence. When dad stopped off to get petrol he brought me back a doughnut from the shop, it was a glazed Krispy Kreme, my favourite. 'Thanks, dad.' I said with my mouth full of food as he continued onto the free way, I hadn't eaten all day and was rather hungry. 'It's fine I know you like them.' He told me with a light smile, his eyes flickered to me for a second but then went back to focusing on the road. We got to the airport showing up just on time and our flight took four hours and fifty five minutes, then we drove the rest of the way.

I slept pretty much the whole trip, it wasn't like I was missing out on anything anyways. When I awoke I read a sign that said "Mystic Falls This Way" that meant we were close to our new town. Great. New wasn't my thing I liked being in my comfort zone, so starting in a new town at a new school was hell. I yawned in boredom and stretched my arms, looking over at my dad I saw he had dark circles under his eyes, the type you get from long drives. Finally instead of seeing billboards about drink driving I read a sign saying "Welcome To Mystic Falls." My stomach twisted and I grew anxious, what did this town have to offer?

As we pulled into the Main Street I tried to keep my head low so I didn't make awkward eye contact with someone I might have to get to know. We turned in a few side streets before pulling up to a red bricked house. 'This is ours.' Announced dad and he chucked the house keys onto my lap, I excitedly jumped out of the truck and into the house. I was greeted by a long hallway, the first room on my right was the lounge room then there was the kitchen, dining room and main bathroom. Upstairs had my own bathroom, my room and my dads bedroom. The house wasn't as big as the one back in Washington, but still nice. All of our furniture had already been moved into the house last week, the stuff we brought with us today was mainly clothes, toiletries and other necessities.

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