Klaus-Chapter Eight

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At the sixties decade dance Damon had taken off my locket and compelled me to leave the dance. This was once they had realised Klaus had possessed Ric and it was to keep me safe. Especially considering he had taken a strange interest in me. Although I didn't understand why, I was just an ordinary human, I wasn't a doppelgänger nor anything else supernatural.

I was just me.

I visited Bonnie at her house the next day I wanted to ask her about the strange dream I kept having. 'I think your mother is trying to communicate with you through the flowers and dreams.' She told me. 'She's trying to warn you about this stranger.' I bit my lip nervously I wish I knew who this unfamiliar face was. 'By the way how are you going with all of this?' Bonnie asked concerned. I fiddled with the sleeve of my top, it took me a moment to answer. 'Well, I guess I'm doing as good as possible.' I said truthfully, sighing at the end of my sentence I faced a sad looking Bonnie.
She frowned. 'I just wish it wasn't like this.' I nodded in agreement. 'Me too, for everyone's sake.'

Once I left I dialled my phone and  called Damon. 'Well hello how's my favourite girl.' I could hear his smile through his voice. I scoffed. 'Oh please I'm not your favourite girl, I'm just your one night stand.' I frowned at this it wasn't one of my proudest moments. 'I care about you.' He reassured me and in reply I sighed. But then I remembered why I actually called. 'Last night was wrong of you.' I snapped, my hand that was gripping the cell started to tremble. 'I can make my own decisions to stay or leave.' There was a long pause. 'I'm only trying to protect you.' He said and was about to continue but I cut him off. 'Yeah well stop.' I growled and hung up the phone.

I went to meet my dad for lunch at the Mystic Grill, Matt served us. 'Hey Matt, just waters for now.' I told him when he came over to our booth. When he came back over he looked fearful and his tray of waters was shaking. 'Klaus is over there with Damon.' He whispered in my ear so my dad wouldn't hear, I tried to hide the worry in my own eyes. 'Excuse me.' I said to dad and walked over to the bar where Ric and Damon were. When my eyes met Klaus's I gasped, he was the face from my dreams. 'Pleasure to meet you in my real flesh, Leah isn't it?' He greeted and extended his hand, I nodded slowly and went to take it but Damon protectively pushed me behind him. 'Don't speak to her.' He hissed at Klaus. 'Did I touch a nerve?' He asked sarcastically, clearly trying to stir up Damon. He took a swig at his drink and turned back to Klaus. 'I was hoping you could postpone your ritual.' He told him, the drink he had just chugged down seemed to have calmed him. 'I have my werewolf, I have my witch the ritual will happen tonight.' He stated clenching his jaw and his gaze soften when he looked upon me. 'Can I buy you a drink?' His manor was very intense and I felt overwhelmed, he licked his lips waiting eagerly for my response. 'No thankyou I have one.' I mumbled, playing with the sleeves on my top. 'Can't blame a guy for trying.' He added and left the Mystic Grill. I let out a sigh of relief but I was still worried about this ritual, my dad was waiting for me so I walked away.

After lunch dad and I drove home. When we got there dad was holding a wrapped up present. 'It's for you.' He chimed, though his voice was still grumbly. He handed the book in my hands and I opened it eagerly revealing a copy of the Grimms brothers tales. My mum use to read them to me when I was a kid and her mother read them to her. 'Thankyou, this means so much to me!' I cheered and flung myself onto him giving him a tight hug. He didn't know what to do at first but soon enclosed his arms around me. After dinner I went upstairs into my room and began reading the first chapter which was Cinderella.

'Good evening.'

In fright I jumped up out of my bed now staring at Klaus. 'H-How did you get in here?' I stuttered out shaking. He stepped closer to me. 'Never mind that I simply wanted some company.' He said shrugging, my eyes started welling up when I realised there was a murder in my house and so was my dad. 'Did you touch my dad? Where is he?' I demanded although my voice was soft and nervous. He raised his arms in the air. 'I didn't touch him he is down stairs watching football. Quiet happy to because his teams winning.' He promised. 'But I came here for your company tonight.' He licked his lips and his eyes looked hungry. 'No!' I said angrily and clenched my fists. 'You are the enemy.' Suddenly a chanting girl came into my room, I presumed a witch and I fell to the ground.

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