Immortal-Chapter Twenty Three

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I pulled my hair into a ponytail and brushed away and loose strands to make my hair look smooth and tidy. I put on white linen shorts and a pastel rose V-cut shirt, I looked like a strawberry sundae according to Caroline.
'Good enough to eat!' Exclaimed Caroline and she handed me a pair of sandals with glitter around the edges. I put them on my feet and sprayed a vanilla body mist over the top of me, I felt over the top considering I usually just wear jeans and a regular top.
James had asked me on a date and Caroline insisted I went, which explains why she is dressing me up like a edible object. 'Good luck.' Was the last thing she said and I headed out the door. I headed to the college diner where James asked me to meet him, as soon as I got there LuLu showed me to the outside area where he was sitting. It was beautiful outside, there was a small white picket fence; decorated by pink and orange roses permeating the area. Each table was shaded by a charcoal coloured umbrella. 'You look nice.' He said and gave me a hug before we sat down at the table, it was closest to the fence.
I smiled. 'It's nice out here.' He nodded and handed me a menu, it reminded me of the time I was so nervous at the restaurant with Klaus I ordered the first thing in the menu. With James I didn't feel nervous and I couldn't tell if that was a bad thing or a good thing. 'Yes it is.' Agreed James. 'I already ordered us water if that okay with you?'
I nodded. 'Perfect.'
LuLu came over with our drinks and took our orders.

After my date with James I went straight back to my dorm. I found Jessica curled up into a ball on the ground crying. 'What's wrong?' I asked and sat next to her, rubbing her back gently.
Jessica sobbed. 'My- my parents want to visit and they don't know I'm lesbian.'
'So just tell them?'
'It's not that easy, Leah. Besides what if they disown me.' She cried out into my shoulder. I had never been in this situation before so I didn't know what to say, so I just held her in my arms.

I decided to buy myself a diary in attempt to write and get out my thoughts and feelings. Placing the pen down onto the cream paper was almost therapeutic, I had no idea what I was going to write about. It wasn't that I had nothing to write about, it was that I had so much I could write about I didn't know where to begin. So I gave up. Which was a bad thing to do but for some reason I couldn't seem to wrap my head around all my thoughts and feelings. Damon suddenly bursted into my bedroom, he seemed angry almost.
'Are you okay-' I was about to ask but Damon cut me off. 'No I'm not okay! I have been stupid!'. He started walking towards me and I was a little frightened so I stepped backwards. As he gained closer he bit into his wrist, scarlet blood dripping down 'Damon.' I breathed out, my body was shaking. Damon forced his wrist into my mouth and the blood reluctantly oozed down my throat, I tried to scream although I couldn't. Once the blood was in my system he pulled his wrist away and placed his cold hands around my neck.
'I'm sorry.' Was the last thing he said to me before snapping my neck. I fell onto the ground lifelessly.

My time as a human had ended. Memories flooded through my brain along with the venom within Damon's blood, turning me into a beast of the night.

Mum I'm nervous.' I sobbed looking up at the horse that had been saddled up. She smiled warmly down at me. 'Now you're a big brave seven year old girl, aren't you?' She asked grinning and I nodded while rubbing my eyes. She then lifted me up onto the horse and I regretted it. 'I want to get down!' I cried out looking down at my mum, who seemed so far away. 'You'll be fine sweetie, just give a little kick.' She encouraged and once again I nodded. Nervously I kicked the horse and he began walking along, his shoes clicking along the ground. I soon was smiling and wasn't scared anymore. 'Mummy look at me!' I shouted out to her waving. She waved back at me laughing.

I looked up at my Washington High School jersey on the wall, my mum had pinned it up in effort to get me in the school spirit. While pondering this, I caught the unmistakable scent of a smoking burner rising from the kitchen, I ran down stairs in the nick of time. The jar of spaghetti sauce my dad had stuck in the microwave was only on its first revolution when I yanked the door open and pulled it out. 'What did I do wrong?' Dad demanded, mum had arrived in the kitchen too. 'You're supposed to take the lid off first, dad. Metals bad for microwaves.' I swiftly removed the lid from the jar and put the sauce in a microwave safe bowl. 'Peter, I think you should take some lessons from, Leah.' Mum stated while she was laughing at the scene playing out infront of her. Dads frown soon turned to a smile as he looked over at my mum. 'Maybe she'll be a chef one day.' Dad suggested as they looked over at me, locking the blob of spaghetti in the pot. My mum smiled brightly at me. 'Whatever she does she'll make us proud.'

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