Bonnie-Chapter Twenty One

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Today was the one funeral I hadn't of thought I would be attending, I couldn't bare to lose someone else. Bonnie Bennett.

Everyone each stepped forward presenting an item in memorial of Bonnie. Caroline brought her old Pom poms, Matt had her old whistle, Elena sprinkled some feathers down and Damon brought her spell book. I placed a hibiscus flower down, to represent one of my fondest moments of Bonnie when she brought me comfort about my dreams. I hugged Caroline and Elena tightly as we cried onto one another's shoulders. Jeremy picked up a golden bell. 'We ring this bell, in honour of Bonnie and remembrance for her.' He rang it slowly before putting it back down. 'She wants me to tell you all that she's not going anywhere and even though you couldn't see her she had been there the whole time. Bonnie has watched you have the summer of your lives.' He turned to Elena. 'She wants you to know that even though you think you can't have a normal life, that you have to be here for everyone but you don't. Everyone will find their way, so you are going to re pack your things and go back to college.' Jeremy paused and looked over at Matt, I squeezed his hand gently. 'She says you didn't do anything wrong Matt, you know she would've sent you three hundred emails if she could. She misses you.' I almost trembled as he looked at me, I was waiting for him to continue speaking. 'Leah, She knows you have been struggling with abandonment and she wants to see you happy again.' I nodded to Jeremy and he began talking to Caroline. 'She watched you decorate that dorm room like your life depended on it. Bonnie knows that college isn't everything you expected but-' he was cut off by the presence of Tyler Lockwood. Caroline leaped into his arms and he put a rose down onto the tree stump. I buried myself into Matt's chest, I could feel him struggle to hold back his tears.

Four days after Bonnie's funeral and I couldn't stop thinking about how she wanted me to be happy. So I thought about the last time I was happy and James's face popped into my head. I found him in the middle of campus, surrounded by a bunch of his friends. James saw me walking up to them and greeted me by a smile.
'Who's this?' One of the blonde haired girls asked, she glared at me.
'It's James girlfriend.' His friend Issac joked and the girl seemed very displeased by this. 'Lisa calm down, you're much prettier than her anyways.' Her friend reassured rubbing her back gently. 'Yeah I know.' Lisa agreed. I stood there uncomfortably, I couldn't even function. What was I supposed to do? 'Shut it Lisa and Ginny.' James's friend Logan shouted, I remembered him from the other night.

I filled Caroline in on James my new friend as we made our way to her dorm room, I was helping her pack. She was also telling me how Tyler and her broke up. When we walked in Elena was standing in front of the mirror, she was wrapped in a towel and her hair was wet. 'I don't want to know if Tyler called so don't tell me.' Caroline told Elena and closed the door behind her. 'So do you want to do small appliances or toiletries? I mean I'd compel a cute boy to help us pack but I don't think I'm gonna talk to a cute buy again. Except for Jesse who's conveniently not answering his phone.' Elena scrunched her nose in confusion. 'We are moving out?'
'Hello Dr Maxfield thinks we are vampires you know and threatened to expose us and told us to drop out.' Caroline replied in a duh tone.
Elena clicked her tongue. 'That's sucks.' Suddenly Caroline had her in a choke hold and I stood there in shock. 'What the hell are you doing in my dorm, Katherine?' Caroline sneered and I realised why she lashed out.
'I just needed a place to crash.' Admitted Katherine, who was struggling in Caroline's grip.
'But I loath you?'
'I'm desperate okay? Damon kicked me out and Stefan doesn't even remember me. And I just spent my last $20 on a meal I didn't even get to enjoy.'
I rolled my eyes. 'How is any of this our problem?' She ignored my comment and continued talking to Caroline. 'Look at you moving out, giving up. It's very un Caroline of you, you need me bad.' Caroline thought for a moment until suddenly realising her, I wished she hadn't. 'In exchange for a place to stay and Elena's meal card I will help you with Dr Whoever-' Katherine begun and Caroline corrected her. 'Dr Maxfield he teaches bio.'
Katherine scoffed at this. 'You're scared of a teacher? Oh honey, you really need to take a crash course on villain 101. What do you say roomie and non roomie?' She looked at us both in amusement.

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