HomeComing-Chapter Eleven

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It was homecoming and as much as I wasn't feeling up for it I knew I should make an appearance, you know for my teenage sanity. I put down my third tub of icecream and headed into the Salvatore's guest room aka my room to get changed. I didn't arrange a date so I went alone, which I assumed made everyone at homecoming feel even worse for me. When I got there I didn't recognise anyone I knew so I just stood in the corner shivering. Klaus walked over to me grinning and I started fiddling with my dress nervously. 'You cold love?' He asked grinning, I couldn't help but stare at him. 'Yeah a little.' I replied shrugging trying not to make a big fuss. Klaus began to take off his suit coat but I stopped him. 'I'm honestly fine.' I lied. 'Anyways I have to go.' I walked away trying to look like I knew where I was going but truth was I had no clue. I guess I just was trying to avoid any memory of what happened with Klaus and I, it just wasn't the time to think about it. Then I almost fell over when Klaus appeared infront of me, he grabbed my arm helping me keep my balance. 'It would be rude not to dance.' He said and held out his hand. Reluctantly I took it and we made our way over to the dance floor. I wrapped both my arms around his neck and he placed his hands gently on my waist, we swayed perfectly in time with the music. I looked down at my feet, making sure I wasn't missing a step. Klaus chuckled at this. 'Relax.' I licked my lower lip and looked back up at him, trying to not think about falling over. Once the dance finished, Klaus walked over to talk with Tyler. I watched as Caroline skipped over to me, she then twirled me around in a hug. 'I'm so glad you could come and that dress is so pretty. Considering you picked it and all.' She admired my dress clapping her hands and jumping up and down. I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. 'Thanks Care.' We then danced together for a while until I needed to go to the toilet. 'Oh yeah there is one inside.' Caroline told me pointing to the front door and I made my way inside.

I wandered the halls looking for a toilet when I saw Klaus standing there I stayed around the corner when I heard another voice. Klaus saw me and gave me a look as to say 'Stay where you are.' A voice came piercing threw my ears, one I recognised as Klaus's dad Mikael. 'Who do you have other than who's loyalty you forced. No one.' He said to Klaus, I looked over at him and Klaus had tears in his eyes. He didn't deserve to be treated this way by his dad. 'I'm calling your bluff farther kill her.' His voice was soft and pained. 'Come outside and face me you little coward and I won't have to.' Mikael snarled and Klaus glanced at me for a moment, tears in his eyes. 'My whole life you have underestimated me. If you kill her you loose your leverage, so go on kill her.' Klaus's anger rose, you could feel it in the air. 'KILL HER.' Mikael seemed to find his sons pain amusing and chuckled. 'Your impulse Niklaus it has and forever will me the one thing that keeps you from truly being great.' It was almost as if you had taken an orange and squashed it in your hand, it begins to bleed out. This is exactly what Mikael was doing to Klaus, inflicting emotional pain with his words. I heard a whimper from Elena and Klaus gasped in fright. Suddenly Damon pounced out of nowhere and attempted to stake Klaus, it all happened so fast. 'No!' I screamed out and went to run after Damon but Stefan got to him first pushing him down. I finally could see Mikael standing there in the flesh and he was facing Elena. 'Katherine.' He whispered and she nodded with a smirk. 'Ka- boom.' She said and blew up Klaus's hybrids although Klaus was to distracted to care. He took the stake and stabbed Mikael in the heart, he started to burn and screamed out in agony before dying. I went to run after Katherine, I wanted her to pay for what she did to my dad, but Klaus stopped me. 'Not tonight, love.' He whispered and I watched as he walked over to Stefan and Damon. 'He earned his freedom.' He told the two and Stefan stood up to face him. 'Thankyou my friend you no longer have to do as I say, you're free.' He undid the compulsion on Stefan. I looked over to the empty space where Damon was and I knew he wouldn't forgive Klaus for this so easily. Klaus then turned to me. 'I will take you home.' He offered and linked my arm helping me outside, I didn't know what to say to him.

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