Blood Spilt- Chapter Two

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The next day was easier as I knew what to expect and people didn't look at me as much as yesterday. At lunch I sat with Bonnie, Elena and Caroline I began to feel like I was treading on water instead of drowning in it. 'So are you coming to watch the comet, tonight?' Bonnie asked and I knotted my brows curiously, I had no clue what she was talking about. Of course I knew what a comet was but what about it? 'Everyone is going. My Grams said a lot of people die and it unleashes something supernatural.' I wanted her to continue more about the supernatural comet but Caroline cut her off. 'Along with the aliens as you poured her another shot?' She snorted and then turned to Elena. She asked her what she got up to with Stefan but Elena confessed they didn't do anything and just talked I wasn't really listening I don't really care much for boys, I know it's weird but I didn't have much time for them. 'You know what.' Elena said standing up. 'Caroline is right I need to go do it before I talk myself out of it.' Caroline and Bonnie watched her walk away shocked. 'That was unexpected.' Bonnie blurted out and looked over to Caroline. Caroline smirked. 'Unexpectedly good. She needs some fun.' I just sat there listening, trying to silently slurp the rest of my strawberry milkshake. 'So are you coming to watch the comet tonight?' Asked Bonnie again, she wasn't asking rudely but I felt as though she was pressing it. 'Sure.' I said nodding. I probably should make an appearance maybe even meet someone new, although I was a stay at home type of girl I needed to go and socialise.

Before I went home after school Caroline took me shopping, it was pretty much the only clothes store in Mystic Falls. I didn't need much only a few short sleeved shirts and a cardigan, I didn't get much of a choice with what I bought because Caroline insisted in picking them out. She also made me go into the change rooms and try them on, it made me feel uncomfortable because I hated drawing attention to myself. When I got home dad was drinking some beer in a can and had his feet up on the coffee table while watching football something mum dreaded. 'Hey dad.' I yelled out and walked into the kitchen, looking through the pantry and fridge I managed to pull together ingredients to make spaghetti. In a pan I heated olive oil and garlic when the garlic had turned golden, I added a handful of tomatoes and a pinch of  sugar. I stirred that all together and then seasoned the sauce with salt and pepper, I added a tiny bit of chilli for spice. I lowered the heat on the stove top to let the sauce simmer. Once the pasta had been cooked enough I got out two bowls and divided the pasta between the bowls, dad of course had a bigger portion then me. I poured the sauce generously on top and sprinkled some parmesan cheese.

'Dad?' I asked at the dinner table and I watched as he looked up at me suspiciously, his mouth was full of pasta. 'I was wondering if after dinner I could go watch the comet with some friends?' He thought for a moment and ate another mouthful of pasta, I assume he was thinking about how someone as socially awkward as me scored friends so quickly. It wasn't until we had finished dinner that he finally gave me an answer. 'You can go but be back before curfew.' He demanded and I agreed. I sprayed some dry shampoo in my hair, chucked on my new cardigan and was just about to head out the front door when my dad stopped me. 'I will drive you, I don't want you to catch yourself a cold.' He said and grabbed his keys, his steel capped boots clunked heavily along the floorboards. I found this ironic considering it was colder in Washington then Mystic Falls, I think he just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting up to mischief. Sometimes dad could be overly protective.

Once I got there dad reminded me about getting home before curfew and I told him that I knew. I looked around but I couldn't find Bonnie or Caroline anywhere. A tanned boy with black spiked hair approached me. 'Hey I'm Tyler and you're Leah right?' I will give the guy brownie points for knowing my name, it saves me from introducing myself I was almost flattered. almost. 'Yeah that's me.' I said laughing awkwardly, he joined in- laughing a bit to hard. 'Here I got you a candle.' He told me, making it sound like he offered but he shoved it in my hand so I had no choice but to take it. At first I found it weird he was giving me a candle but I realised everyone else had one. 'So what are you doing here tonight?' He asked with a wink, I blushed. Not the girly crushing kind of blush but because I was extremely uncomfortable. 'I'm with a friend.' I told him as I watched the flame on my candle wiggle in the breeze, kind of like it was dancing. 'Oh nice who?' He pressed suspiciously, I assumed to see if I was with a guy. It wasn't that he was unattractive or anything, he was tan and had spiky hair, his attitude was just a little up fronting. 'Leah over here!' I heard someone shout I looked over seeing Caroline waving, that pretty much answered his question of why I was there. I was about to say goodbye when Tyler reluctantly pulled me into a hug. 'Just wanted to give you a friendly goodbye.' He whispered in my ear. I had a feeling that goodbye wasn't "friendly" or it was overly friendly, once he released me I hurried over to Caroline. 'It looks like I just saved you from the clutches of the Lockwood boy.' She laughed, right now I was so glad to see her. I mean I will give him credit for his confidence but he wasn't my type. In fact I didn't really have a type my last boyfriend was in elementary school and all we did was hold hands and kiss once. He broke up with me because one time I broke his hand accidentally while playing a game of volleyball, I am highly uncoordinated. It took around six and a half minutes for the slow travelling comet to become in sight, I looked around and everyone was truly mesmerised by it, people pointed smiling up at the sky. All I saw was a golf ball travelling through the night, if my mum was here she would of scolded me by my lack of interest. 'I don't see the big fuss.' Caroline admitted and blew out the flame on her candle. I sighed in relief. 'Thank god I thought I was the only one.' We both laughed and I blew out my candle. 'So tell me about Washington.' She asked. I was surprised that she was the only person who asked about home. When I thought about what to say there wasn't really much. 'It's cold and my town was relatively small.' I explained shrugging. She paused. 'Wait so why did you move?' I told her about my mum passing away and she said sorry, I reassured her it was fine. To stop the awkwardness I asked her about her life, she had a lot to say mainly about boys. I guess that was good it kept my interest, I mean if someone asked me I probably could only come up with a sentence. Later Caroline tried to persuade me to join her and her friends at the Mystic Grill but I had to get back home, my dad would kill me. So I promised her another time, well it wasn't exactly a promise because I wasn't sure if I'd keep it.

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