Season Three Summary

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Okay this was a longer season for Leah so hopefully there isn't a lot that needs to be explained.

Stefan writes Leah an apology letter and slowly they start to mend their relationship. Klaus and Leah grow a bond and share a kiss when he kidnaps her, he also opens up to her on a date about his past. She grows sorry for Klaus and stronger feelings. Multiple times he tries to protect her and save her. The pair make love to eachother but when Leah finds out he is thinking of leaving town she walks away from him.

To lure Klaus back to Mystic Falls so Mikael can kill him, Katherine kills Leah's dad leaving her with no parents, or family in Mystic Falls.

Leah knocks a guy unconscious at the decade dance, proving that all the stuff that has happened to her made her stronger, like her mum, dad and Grandma dying. Personally as a writer I enjoyed this scene because it shows that she is growing as a person and becoming a lot stronger. Damon also reveals to her if she asks him he would turn her into a vampire if she wanted. Leah doesn't believe the timing for her would be right, especially because she still wants opportunity.

I also wanted to state that I wanted Klaus and Caroline to have some sort of frenemy relationship like they do on the show, just because I like the way they interact.

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