Invitations-Chapter Twelve

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Third Person
While Bonnie and Elena were out finding Bonnie's mum, Damon forced Leah to join him at the Mystic Grill. They sat at the bar and while Leah drank her lemonade, Damon sculled down some bourbon. He was informing her on how he kissed Elena, this brought her a lot of joy she loved the two together.
Behind the two over at a corner booth Klaus watched Leah as she laughed with Damon, in his thousand years on earth he had never cared for someone as much as her. His phone started to ring and he brought the cell up to his ears without looking away from Leah. 'How's life on the road?' One of his hybrids Daniel answered. 'Scenic, how's life in Mystic Falls without any hybrids.' Klaus smirked as he watched Leah play with her straw, a habit she has had since a young girl. 'Boring... For now.'
'If you want any of us back just say the word.' Klaus shook his head slightly. 'There's no need. I've been making friends with the towns civil servants. There's a deputy who's awfully chatty, but useful nonetheless.' He paused before adding. 'Are you clear on what you need to do?' Daniel reassured him he had it covered and Klaus hung up the phone stuffing it into his pocket. He downed the rest of his drink for extra confidence before moving over to Leah at the bar. He slid into the seat where once Damon had sat, it took Leah a moment to realise he was there. 'Daydreaming?' He asked with a smirk planted across his lips, she was still playing with her straw. She blinked a few times before saying. 'Klaus.' He frowned a little disappointed with the answer he had received, she wasn't much of a talker at times. 'Okay let's talk about me then.' He suggested moving closer to her. 'Mind telling me where my coffins are?' She let out a small laugh, turning to face him. 'Even if I knew where they were I wouldn't tell you.' His anger rose so he ordered the bartender to get him a drink with strong alcohol, in attempt to calm himself down. 'This is useless.' Klaus growled and slammed his fist on the table hard, causing Leah to jump. 'Sorry.' He apologised once he realised he had scared her, sometimes Klaus's anger got the best of him. In guilt Klaus walked away and moments later Damon came back over. 'What did he say?' He asked Leah eagerly, like a little kid finding out if somebody has a crush on them or not. 'He asked if I knew where the coffins were. So I told him the truth and said no.' She replied shrugging and passed her empty cup over to the bartender. He winked at Leah and took a swig of his drink. 'Well that gives you a perfect excuse to help me move them.'

Leah's POV
'My arms are sore.' I whined stomping down the stairs to the basement of the abandoned house. My arms were starting to feel like jelly as I tried to move one of the coffins. 'Stop complaining it's only one coffin.' Damon said rolling his eyes laughing at me. 'Yeah well I'm a human I don't have as much strength as you.' I protested and he took the coffin from me and put it into the room with the others. He wriggled his eyebrows and moved closer to where I was standing. 'I could turn you into a vampire if you only ask.'. I had always wanted to secretly become one of them, immortality intrigues me. But now wasn't the right timing. 'Maybe one day I will take you up on that.' I chortled shoving him away from me playfully. I went to walk into the room where all the coffins where but the had disappeared. 'Uh Damon.' By the nervousness in my voice he used vampire speed to come up next to me. He was as remotely confused as I was. Both of our heads shot to the left as we heard Klaus's voice. 'What took you so long? Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less..' He smirked but it was soon with him letting out a scream collapsing to the ground clutching his head. Damon tutted mockingly. 'Insulting a bunch of dead witches... Not smart. I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here!' I watched painfully as he screamed, but there was nothing I could do, and Damon would kill me if I helped Klaus. He looked up with pain flooding through his eyes, he started to talk in a almost shout. 'Well you know the funny thing about witches is that living or dead, they care about their own. A hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendants.' As he spoke he began to stand up, I assumed the witches were obviously stopping the torture. 'As we speak my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line. Now. Please... Show me the coffins.' As he said the last words just like he requested the coffins appeared, smirking he walked over to them. 'Here we are..' But as to I expected he not did one of them was missing. 'Where's the forth? Show me!' Damon chuckled slightly leaning against the wall. 'Well here the thing. They can't. It's not here.' Klaus revealed his hybrid topaz eyes and bared his fangs in anger, I shuffled closer to Damon in fear. 'What did you do?' He demanded, his voice was gravely. Damon side smiled shrugging. 'Well, Bonnie gave me the heads up. I mean, I didn't have enough time to get all four, but I did have time to get one..' The tension was layering in the air. 'I will tear you limb from limb. And only then, when you are writhing mass of blood and flesh, will I rip your heart from your chest.' Klaus snapped. Damon snickered at this comment shrugging it off, but me on the other hand was terrified so I grabbed onto his arm like a little kid. Damon moved off the wall but careful to stay close to me. 'Sorry. Same rules apply. Leverage and all. I know you want your family back. But something tells me you want what's in that coffin a lot more.' Feeling as though Damon had the situation under control I felt a little better and released my arm off of him. Klaus gritted his teeth. 'Fine..' He paused for a minute thinking. 'But-' he was suddenly behind me, one of his arms secured around my waist and the other firmly around my neck. I tensed up and I looked over at Damon frightened. 'If we are using leverage I'll just take Leah.' Damon stepped forward slightly, worried of the consequences. 'Don't,Klaus.'
'Sorry mate, I'm in no mood to bargain. Get me my coffin by tomorrow night or Sara here will need one of her own.' He then dragged me away with him.

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