First Sight-Chapter Seven

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Once again I was dragged into vampire business. Actually it was Damon's idea, he sent me a message telling me where to meet him and that we should forget about the other night. I guess now there was no backing out and I had to accept my role in the whole "Vamp business" but I warned everyone I wasn't doing this for fun.
There I sat with Damon,Alaric and Andie. I couldn't bring myself to look at her the whole time, her boyfriend had just made love to me. I played with the straw in my bitters, I dipped the slices of lemon and lime down to the bottom of the drink with my straw. 'So did you get anything out of, Elijah.' Damon asked and Alaric shook his head. 'Only boring stuff. Jenna thinks he's charming.' I scoffed. 'Of course she would.' The man who almost killed me also charming? Yeah of course, vampires just have us humans tied around their fingers. 'You sound jealous.' Damon said to Andie smirking, she played with her hair and nodded. 'I do.' I watched the two mingle and to hide my sourness I took a sip of my drink. You may think I am ridiculous getting mad at guys for being with other girls after I reject them, but it's not my fault. And my sourness wasn't due to him flirting with Andie I couldn't care less, I think my emotions had just gotten to me. It was due to the fact he was just using her. 'What's wrong with you I thought you were trying not to be a debbie downer?' He asked me and mocked my facial expression. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. 'Because you're just using this poor woman as your servant.' Damon just chuckled at this and folded his arms. 'And?' He asked sarcastically. I was so angry I needed some space, I took my drink and headed into the kitchen. 'You're sick.' I told Damon as I headed for the kitchen, he just leaned back in his chair amused. 'Sickly sexy.' He added and I groaned in disgust trying to hide my smile. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay mad at him for to long.

So apparently while I was gone they organised plans to have dinner with Elijah and Jenna. Damon said he was going to stake Elijah then. Great just great. Just like all of his other plans this one won't work to the way he hopes. The whole dinner conversation was about how the founding families weren't actually the first settlers, as he kept talking I assumed he meant himself and his family. They probably ate all the others that lived there so they moved because they had no friends, I laughed at this causing everyone to stare at me. I slumped in my seat awkwardly and cleared my throat I hated being the centre of attention. 'As I was saying.' Said Elijah. 'I know all this simply because of historical curiosity, of course.' He looked directly at Damon. 'Of course.' He agreed and took a sip of his drink. Silence filled the room once more and I shoved a piece of food in my mouth, I had no idea what it was because I wasn't concentrating. 'Does anyone care for cognac, I have been saving a bottle.' Damon asked breaking the silence. Ric shook his head. 'None for me thanks. Nine bottles of wine is my limit.' I laughed at his comment and so did a few others, not many could say that there history teacher is as cool as Mr Saltzman. 'How about the gentlemen take there drinks into the study.' Andie suggested, her feminine yet booming voice echoed throughout the whole room- on second thoughts the whole neighbourhood. Elijah grinned at us. 'I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company' Andie batted her eyes 'I like you.' She said to Elijah, smiling like a mad woman. Jenna placed a stack of plates in John's arms. 'How about the gentlemen make themselves useful.' She ordered I just sat in silence watching all the commotion around me. Turning my head I saw Damon receive a phone call from Stefan that seemed urgent, enough that he had to take it into another room. 'So Leah, do you just have no social skills or rude?' Asked Andie, everyone's heads turned although they tried to make it not seem obvious. I took a deep breath in. 'No I'm... I'm just tired, yeah I should probably go.' I suggested and Andie shook her head, she seemed to have thought this was a terrific idea. Bitch.

I helped clean the dishes and clear the dining table before I left. After I had said goodbye to everyone I headed out the door, before I made it out of the driveway Damon called my name. 'Hey wait.' He shouted and used his vampire speed to catch up to me, my breath hitched when I turned around seeing him right in front of me. This made him chuckle. 'I'm glad my humanness amuses you.' I said smugly, looking up at him. 'You're funny.' He replied. 'But I came out here to make sure there was nothing awkward between us.' Oh yeah totally nothing. But I did have to admit I was slowly growing comfortable around him again.
He frowned upon me. 'The truth is I do like you as a friend and I want it to stay that way.' I was shocked at his words it seemed as though he genuinely cared about me. 'I like you as a friend too.' I reassured him and we smiled at eachother. He then pulled out something from the pocket of his jeans. It was a necklace with a locket on the end. 'I was going to put my face in there.' He joked and handed me the necklace. 'But instead I put vervain to protect you from compulsion.' I admired the beautiful gold locket for a moment, it sparkled subtly in the moonlight. 'Here let me put it on.' Damon volunteered and I moved my brunette hair over my shoulders to make it easier to put on. 'Well I best get home it's late.' I said the wind was swirling around us, sending chills down my body. We exchanged goodnight and I started walking home. I felt more confident walking around Mystic Falls at night now with my necklace it was almost like a shield from everything bad.

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