Chapter 1 - "The Observations"

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[F/B/N] - fake boy name


day 1 - assassination attempt 1

everyone came into the classroom and you were on there roof hanging upside down and the ledge watching everyone come in.

"when he comes in, on my mark, we fire. he surely couldn't dodge all the bb ammo" a blue haired boy said...or were they a girl...?

'pfft. what a pathetic simple minded plan that is. he's gonna dodge all those, because the weight and shape of those bb ammo's aren't going to make it as quickly as normal guns'

you thought. when it came to guns, you were in the zone. Since you were surrounded by them for quite a while AND had to use them for survival, It did make sense. everyone proceeded to sit down as they heard the monster teacher land.

the room got really depressing as the mood changed intensely. *creak*

"alright people, let's get this started, shall we? class monitor, if you would do the honours?" he said putting his book on the table

"Right" the blue haired boy proceeded to stand "READY!" everyone shot up with there guns. you were hardly impressed "AIM..............FIRE!" for some reason you saw the balls coming in at slow motion before they sped up to the reality of time.

"ha, what a joke. he's even doing the register in the process. they're not going to  get anywhere at this rate." (G/E) popped up. you had to agree with her. this was rubbish

"oh wow. why don't I just call row while you guys are wearing yourselves out" he said mockingly

"hehehehe, how funny. they're attempt is futile."  your little laugh to yourself was slightly off, but no one was seeing, so it's all ok. (R/E) was enjoying that little bit of yourself as you wavered from stable to unstable

lunch time

I was eating some of my (food for lunch) that I got from (country).  "damn I a sucker for this food." as I was enjoying my meal I saw three dudes start talking to... Nagisa was it? I heard his name being called out. a tanned built looking dude was sitting on the steps with two other dudes next to him as he was talking to Nagisa

"so we know the octopus's face changes colour due to the mood he's in. have you been keeping track?" now I could tell you everything that is said but, you've probably already watched the English dub of episode one of this (I watched dub & sub. and breaking the fourth wall is fun ^_^) so all I'm gonna say is that it wasn't very encouraging saying that they are nobodies and that society doesn't want them.


he then proceeded to give him something in a little bag....'why do I smell plastic....and gunpowder! A BOMB?!' when it came to smelling things I was good at that. one of the parts of my 'supernatural' body. ugh. that's what got me my depressing life.

5th period - assassination attempt 2 (not counting Rio's random gun shot)

"and I want it to end with 'it was tentacles all along' no one leaves until it is completed" he said, assigning the poem task to the class - did that rhyme? I think it did

'still sitting on the roof....still sitting on the roof...ugh! DO SOMETHING AL-'

he proceeded to get up...his wave lengths were he walked up to sir he brought out his knife attacking him just to hug him the next second he lost his knife, with a - BOOM!

"HOLY COW! WHAT ABOUT HIM?!" suicide bomber?!!!?!???! that guy activated the bomb! does he not care for his classmate? Wait a sec, did anyone hear me?

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now