Chapter 7 - "Don't Drink That Poison!" -pt.1

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1.4K WUUUT 😲

and thank you, thank you, thank you

*bows to the imaginary applause*

well I'm sad aren't I? T_T

thanks again, it's nice to see people like my story and the badass character they are.

please tell me any mistakes I've made or/and comment

I like to know and read the funny comments people have in mind

also please recommend or share, and tell me if you do that cos I'll tag you!

Also in the future when I learn more about it and watch more of the series, I might type up a Voltron: legendary defender x reader in the future..... (me in the remake says I probably won't so yeah....even though I absolutely love the series)


*kisses laptop*

yup I'm definitely sad T_T


Oh okuda...stupid, stupid- wait *smack* I smacked my face telling myself to get a hold of those insults I was thinking about. The class stared at me for a moment whilst I shrugged as a sign of 'stop staring this is nothing important' Koro sensei had had a kinda serious chat from yesterday after school about my gender being revealed.


"(y/n), now that everyone knows you are a girl I want you to actually try and make real friends. Be that spunky, light-hearted, innocent, childish-"

"-hyperactive, crazy, jumpy, good point on the childish part annnd hyperactive...did I mention hyperactive? "

"yes, twice"

"well just to be clear, hyperactive. Oh and believe it or not, loving. Me actually being loving is shocking, I know. I was and still am the person that loves hugs. Like seriously! I would get depressed and feel all low and stuff if I didn't get my daily hugs. Now that I think about it" I gave koro sensei a big hug and squeezed him, though it didn't do anything. It was nice to touch someone in a way.

"I want you to wear normal uniform a-"

"no way. Need to keep my face covered, the guys could be watchi-"

"even so, I'll make sure they don't take you! MAKE SOME FRIENDS AND STOP BEING SO LONELY! Also please be nice, not mean. Don't constantly insult others, they have feelings"

"yea something I don't have"

he then sighed ending our conversation

Time skip~

Koro sensei, megu and isogai and you went to get the science equipment. During that time maehara, okajima and minmura were setting up to kill him. You took the evaporating dishes (a.k.a the small white plates) whilst everyone took everything else. You walked to the door, but since both hands were full, one of koro sensei's tentacles stretched over you opening the door for you. You were about to take a step in but *woosh* okajima attacked. You threw the dishes in the air dodged and caught them all in a stack again.  ignoring the march 20 you used to dodge they carried on.

Maehara came in as fast as he could be trying to stab koro sensei now that you were out of the way. He dodged them all whilst taking the dishes and setting up the rest of the lab equipment.

_a teny teeny smol timeskip_


her head darted my way "y-yes blue-san"

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