chapter 5 - "Not really a b**ch" pt.1

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"Irina yelowvic-"

"it's actually pronoun-"

"OR HOWEVER IT'S SAID, which I don't care about....anyways this woman from what I can tell will ignore the governments advice on the fact that bb's work on the octopus."

"how do you know?"

"it just looks like she will. wanna bet? I bet 1 million yen!"

"WHAT! don't make such stupid be-"

"you afraid ya gonna lose *makes annoying chicken noises* I thought you were better than this K. sensei! *sigh* I was really looking forward to winning this bet too...."

"what do you mean 'winning this bet too'? this assassin is not stupid and is going to follow our advice, trust me.... you will lose this bet"

"ohhhh so you're doing this?! shake on it!" you secretly recorded the conversation between you two so that there was no going back. you shook hands as the bell went to begin the new day

____time skip___

"WHO. IS. THIS. can someone tell her to stop grinding her body on his? this was not my otp!"

immediately everyone thought 'what otp?! and with who?!' aguri was constantly flahing through your mind, as they really did love each other (sorry if I spoiled season 2 for was reaaaaaaaallly deep! T_T).

"oh wait...Sensei Irina Jelovic"  she looked at you all suspicious while you lifted up your legs onto your desk tilting your chair back and giving her a smirk, whilst koro sensei was busy going pink.

Immediately again all at once the class thought 'How does he know her?!'

whilst, others were suspecting that something wrong was with the he and needed to change it around to a she. (*cough* Karma & Nagisa *cough*).

"Is there something wrong sensei? no? why are you staring at me? I got my info from Karasuma sensei and his laptop"

"you went through my laptop?!" he suddenly yelled

"hehehe.....yup. ^_^  anyways..." your voice suddenly went dark "you better cut off that act of yours. I don't need you grinding your body on my sensei" you gave a scary smile before clearing the atmosphere with a cough. everyone looked at you not knowing you were talking about when you said 'act' but they were sure it wasn't good.

____Time skip____

Yellowb*tch and Karasuma were having a conversation and that was a convocation I decided to but in.

"excuse me miss, but you're not supposed to be smoking on school grounds. I mean like seriously why would you want to anyways? do you know what's in a cigarette? there's: nicotine, rat poison, tar, carbon monoxide, arsenic, cyanide, hydrogen, ammonia, formaldehyde, DDT and more. adding onto that! cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing compounds and 400 other toxins too....

do you really want to be smoking?"

you said with a smile. she dropped the fag and stood on it, putting it out.

"who are you?"

"let's just say I'm a person, that if you mess with wrongly, even a top notch assassin wouldn't be able to take down"

she had a shiver run down her spine as she straightened up and put on her lovey-dovey act when you had specifically told her not too. you sighed

__time skip a little bit just after koro sensei had left___

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