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Sorry, but I'm discontinuing. I can right one shots in a separate book?

Or maybe start a completely different story and actually plan a different story line.

I don't know if you'd want me to continue or not.

I don't know if you can change my mind.

I learned from my mistakes of starting a story without planning through. And I'll try not to do that next time.

How I would've ended it (spoilers for the season 2 ending)

This would take place aftr you and Karma become a thing. I'm not gonna elaborate how that happens. But if you want me to, I can do that.

BTW. This doesn't have a good structure. I'm just writing quickly with a bit of detail (kind of) about how I thought it would end.


I was thinking that at the end, when they are about to kill Koro-sensei and after they take roll call, koro-sensei apologises and thanks y/n for everything she's done and for being in his life

That she wants her to continue with life not carrying the burden of his death, because he knows you'd find it harder than anyone else.

Then he says something embarrassing quickly trying to lighten the mood, but it makes you cry more.

Something like, "When you and Karma get married, remember your dad, and who would've walked you down the wedding Aisle"

"not the time" you would've said crying more silent tears.
Because you now are going to lose yet another father in your life

And then after Nagisa kills him and stuff. You all walk into the classroom and accidently fall asleep. After all the crying and sobbing, just like in the actual episode (I'm actually feeling weird inside and sad, like I'm going to try again thinking about it)

Then you all wake up and the class is all energetic and talking about the books they got. (which is a giant manga on advice on life in the future.)

You didn't exactly get the same thing. What I had planned was that when you were with the reaper and his student you had taken a lot of pictures and recorded what you guys did in your free time, like when you were all lounging about or just eating food, and just random pictures of them sleeping, training and more stuff.

And koro-sensei had done a collage of all the videos you had done and had another few collage books of all pictures you had taken all dated in order.

You put your headphones in and watched the video and watched it while tears fell down your face, you leaned on your hand watching it, before feeling something wet that were not your tears on your cheek.

"EWWW! THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" you shivered like a cat being soaked by water and jumped out of you seat realising Karma had just licked your left cheek.

"Everyone was watching you cry. Stop being so depressing" he said whispering in your ear

"So you guys are dating after all!" yelled Maehara. Karma in response kissed your cheek and you paused the video scrunching up your nose cringing at what he did.

"Sorry....but...are we graduating in these camo clothes?" you asked, but Nagisa had replied that everyone had called their parents asking them to bring them in for them...apart from Karma because his parents were travelling.

"Ok." you said before Moch 20ing out of the room and back in your uniform. In an actual skirt. But it was all messy. Not all buttons your shirt were put buttoned, and there your tie was unravelled on your neck as well as your skirt slipping a bit because it wasn't zipped up properly.

"right. I guess I'm done" you said fixing your skirt, tying your tie and buttoning your shirt... Well trying to

"EHH! KARMA I WANT MY SHIRT BUTTONED, NOT UNBUTTONED!" you screamed at his surprisingly bold self today...but then again, when is he never bold?

You moved back away from him but he kept coming closer 'till you did a full on sprint round the classroom trying to button your shirt and dodge other students too.

"Karma! Don't you think that's a bit bold?!" Okajima said whilst watching you run, "I mean. . . I'm not complaining. It's something I don't mind seeing." muttering a smile crept up Okajima's face, "a half dressed messy haired girl. Not bad not bad. Her slightly red cheeks add the right amount of cute, and her black plain cotton bra gives her the nice simple school girl kind of vibe-"

"YOU PERV!" all the girls screamed at his description of you as you finished buttoning my shirt shaking your head.

"I can't help it! She has a nice chest y'know! I think it's a C! That's a good size for a girl her age! Not as rare as a D cup but still good!"


And all hell broke lose.

Okajima running

Girls screaming

Throwing things

Okajima was pretty much being stoned to death

a smile krept up on your face as you smothered quietly watching the whole thing play out.

"So. What were you saying about my girlfriend again?" Karma appeared in front of Okajima with a look that could kill.

"Huh! Oh! Uh! Wait! Nothing!" the pervert shook as he felt the grip of Karma's hand on his shoulder. "I wasn't looking!"

"do you want to die?" a sly smile came on your face as you watched them

"I think you should calm down in my opinion Karma. Is it his fault I obviously according to him look so damn fine?" you said smiling separating the two.

"I guess this is karma for unbuttoning my shirt before," then wrapping an arm around his neck you pulled him down closer to your face, "the irony must be killing you. Karma actually came to bite you in the butt" you said kissing him for a second.

"BUT IF YOU TOUCH ANY CLOTHING ON ME LIKE THE WAY YOU DID BEFORE I WILK KILL YOU! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" pinching an ear you pulled at the red head and yelled straight down his ear almost deafening him.


"aye aye captain" he rolled his eyes and stood up.


And that was his I was hoping some of the chapter for the last episode would go, plus some other chapters after.

Sorry for discontinuing. I can create oneshots if you want though?

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now