The assembly

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This is basically a short chapter on the assembly I skipped before

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This is basically a short chapter on the assembly I skipped before

(pfft no it's not it was like 2000 words. I was right to put it in a separate chapter. Mwhahaha that's why remake books are amazing. You correct stuff)


we had started walking down the mountain path and my hair had turned blue with rage it was dark blue with light blue ends as if it was dip dyed at the length of at least 2 to 3 inches. I had gotten the ultimate teasing from Karma before when he mentioned he touched my butt.

And not only that, he also said how I used to think he was sexy and good-looking. Wow.

"well look at that hair" Karma said with a smirk, but at the same time a wavering voice

"I can here the tears in  your throat" then with a baby voice I said "diiid swome wun miss meee?" he got angry and basically decided to skip the assembly

" brings me joy to see him annoyed. well that was fun" I sighed happily knowing he was gone and got a look from Irsen

"what the hell is wrong with you?" Irina shot

"nothing, apart from me having metal issues such as insanity and split personality disorder. Now tell me what's wrong with you...?"  and with that I jogged and caught up with the rest at a bridge.

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now