Chapter 6 - "Parent's evening - Almost Revealed!"

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*SO basically I didn't base this chapter on an episode. I was thinking of one of those, 'a day between the actual story side story' thing. don't expect to much. It's going to be mained a lot more around you and maybe you telling stuff about your family.  

oh yea! I did research and apparently everyone in ass-class is either age 14 or 15. wow! ikr! I thought they were 16 or 15...I mean yea, 15 is still the same, but I would have liked to know this info before telling people the wrong thing -sigh-   ohhh well.

I don't know if you had parents evening in your school, but it's basically parents coming to meet your teacher(s) and see their comments on you and your progress and maybe behavior and stuff.


"don't forget class it's parents evening tomorrow after school! I've received your slips for all the times you're all available within hours and given an exact time."

everyone proceeded to get up, including you and left.

"Not you blue!" you stopped. turning around and sighing knowing what this is for.

"I know I haven't given the slip in sir" everyone being the nosy people they are turned round to listen to the conversation

"Why then?"

"cos I don't have parents....remember? ugh. either way, I was still going to come at like the end and take the report. I might bring Aron."

"who's Aron?"

now Aron (any of my sunakawa x reader readers will know who he is. i'll be using this oc and the others in all/ most of my stories) is one of your best friends. he's a 16, a year older than you and acts almost like your carer...cos he loves you. (You're 14 BTW it actually fits in as 1 year difference. if you don't know why, comment and I'll reply)

"is he your boyfriend?"

"what?" you were kinda shocked at the question, "you think I'm gay?" of course you had to cover up his mistake.

strength #3 - amazing acting skills

can brush off anything with a quick easy lie without wavering one bit

"o-oh sorry, I kinda slipped....this is getting off topic. you don't have any froster or non-biological parents? no carers?"

"nope, looked for some and found none. some people adopting liked me in the orphanages, but I would've probably killed them in rage.........MEH! I don't really care anyways. I'll be my own parent! either that or Aron will be my carer 'cos of how sensible he is! I know I sound sad and lonely-"

"dang right you do" *punch* "Ouch!"  Hinano - or Hinata  which was what you called her because you kept forgetting her name - (which was what I mistook her name for) interrupted and you punched her, "you're not supposed to punch gi-"

"and girls are supposed to punch guys? don't give me that rubbish" you said coldly before clearing your throat and continuing. you really believed that guys could hit girls as  much as girls could hit guys. either that or non

"but it's really a danger being with me anyways. that's why I don't get attached, usually when the people that want me find me, they also find the people that know me too. they won't cut slack for them, so I don't get attached.....just. incase. they. die" you smiled awkwardly and walked out.  the last part said wasn't actually heard by the class, because you had gone up closely to koro sensei and lowered your talking voice.

___On the way down the mountain___

" don't have parents?" Rio nakamura questioned

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