Not really a b**ch pt.2

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*shout out to @Lunarian-Stars who got the song the lyrics were from in chapter 1. They were from a song called hide and seek. Check it out*

ok so this is a remake sooo.... i'm gonna tag the first 10 people that I saw get it. well I'm 80% sure it's the first 10. this is not in any order.

Obsessed-with-it (commited to the religion jerrysm) also (an aphmau fan like moi!)

KarmaThePringle (I don't know why but I keep smiling when I see you name)

Lunarian-Stars (Your name is beautiful)

AwesomeGamer02 (What games do you play? I love games too!)

Foxy_Chibi (love the name)

tordisbae  (i guess? they said "Ding Dong" instead of hide and seek, but i'll let it go)

JustAnotherPiscean (how many Pisceans are there?

MeepMangle (my fam)

Music_myster   (sounds like a youtuber)

AnimeGal1016 (damn right anime)

those are my random comments next to names too. lol


I walked into the room seeing a bunch of kids humming, then yelling..... I think I'll try and teach them.

"ok, since she's being a lazy ass, let me teach you. What do you want to learn?"


"shut it" she didn't need to see your eyes to know you were glaring so she was quiet

"y-you're actually going to teach us, b-blue-kun?" okuda stuttered

"of course" I flashed a kind smile and continued "she's not helping you guys, and I'm you're classmate too. We are supposed to help each other out..... so, tell me what you'd  like to learn, or do more of"

"well, could we do more of the alphabet, pronunciation and random words to help?" Takebayashi asked.

"okie dokie, le-"

"'okie dokie'? Seriously?"

"stop interrupting Akabaka....anyways. Each letter in the English alphabet is said in two ways. the first way is how to pronounce it. the second in how to say the name of the letter. First, there is the letter 'Ah' . 'ah' is how you pronounce it and 'aye' is how you say it's name. That's the first letter of the English alphabet. Repeat 'ah' then 'aye'-"

I went on teaching the class, noticing the red head staring at my hand....his eyes ere practically piercing it. "practise those letters and words. make sure to jot down notes and how you say the letters. also write the translation of those English words in your book, so you know what it'll mean whenever you come back to it"

as the rest were doing that, I walked up to karma, who just ignored the actual being of me and looked at my hand.

"I'm surprised you didn't scream in pain. a bullet goes through your hand and you don't feel a thing? wow...I really didn't stand a chance against you in the fight, did I?"

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now