please re-read (more added) - Chapter 9 - "The second blade"

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"What the Fu-"


"uh uh uh, language. fyu fyu fyu fyu"

Looking around you see twice. no wait, three times the clones you saw yesterday. This octopus ain't listening to any of the rubbish the principle said. wait, I never knew his name

"What's the principle's name?"

"Asano Gakuho, why?" Karma said looking at me

"Wait? So that guy, that strawberry blonde dude is his son?!"

"Before I say yes, what does he look like?"

you put down your pencil and picked up a piece of paper and showed him a sketch of yours (couldn't find the owner. just a link to pics on pinterest was what showed up when I clicked the image link. if you know the artist tell me. lol. their work is good)

Karma's eyes widened for a moment, "that

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Karma's eyes widened for a moment, "that...Is impressive. oh and yes that is the principle's son, Asano Gakushu"

"wow, sure is a small world"

"(y/n)! Karma! concentrate!" 

"ugh" you lazily put down your drawing and pay attention to your weird teacher. you were learning different things at a fast, but painful rate, feeling like your head would blow. All that time you weren't in a school really caught up with you and now you were  doing work that normally wouldn't be at your level.

"screw me and my big mouth" you whispered as you were writing down the answers to the questions you were given

'there is no way I'm coming first with Gakushuu'

(after here is an edit. I also changed the title. so there's that to. I deleted my little note that I always leave at the end. you have to read the rest for the rest to make sense)

*ding dong ding dong*

scratching your head, you ignored the commotion going on around you as koro sensei breathed, taking in the oxygen he missed so dearly.

"Look at the poor guy, he's totally down for the count" Maehara said, looking kind of shocked, but ignoring the poor man's pain Nakamura says they should try their luck.

"Not that I don't appreciate it, but why is he teaching us so hard anyway?" a student piped up

"nyyeeheugh hahugggh ha ha ha ha ha" he laughed whilst heavely breathing "To get those grades up, of course...if I do that




"You'll never want to kill me again! It'll be sheer bliss. heu heu heu heu" he said excitedly (still tired) blushing the shade of pink they all knew

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now