Chapter 8 - "Who do you think you are?"

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*Soorrrryyy for not posting. also i did delete/ unpublish the set up gone wrong chapter. i may or may not make that a bonus chapter. Also this entire chapter may as well be the principle speaking and you getting triggered just by hearing his voice

 Also this entire chapter may as well be the principle speaking and you getting triggered just by hearing his voice

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anyways for some reason my style of writing has gotten worse...i don't know why you guys are still here*



".......arrreee you still on the phone?" she went silent from shock, as I told her about me drinking three different poisons, each having a worse effect than he other.

"w-what. do you mean you drank poison? and on purpose?" he voice almost sounded threatening , whilst at the same time in fear

"yeah...I was faking my death an-" I was interrupted and my explanation was cut off with her demand....kind of

"just come over after your school ends, p-please" she then proceeded to quickly hang up

'oook then.' I turned around to the school building and walked to the classroom and proceeded to charge my 3Ds ready for if I get board for the day.

"Koro sensei?! you here yet?! it's already 6:45am! I want the breakfast you promised!!!!"

"will you shut up already, snot rag?" Irina walked in with a plate filled with a full English breakfast, minus the mushrooms and other veg, she put it on my desk with a knife and fork "here, he told me to give it to you when you want it, it's even warm. Like seriously what are you guys, father and daughter?"

I let a bead of sweat roll down my head "whaaaat? nooooo waaaaayy......*nom* sworry, i'm eawing wwriight now." I dodged the question by eating my food, stuffing my face to the point of where I couldn't talk properly.

"*sigh* whatever, but mark my words. even now you're in my bad book. you're way to suspicious. i'll be keeping an eye on you." she did the 'i'm-watching-you sign. before she could leave, I answered "ok Irsen!" and continued with my one of my favourite things in the world. 


*time skip*

you saw koro sensei come in first with a bunch of different head bands, they all had Japanese writing on them so I had no idea which said what. well apart from one, which was "Naruto?! I love that anime!" he laughed a little before taking them all to the faculty room, which I'm guessing is to prepare them or something.

the class entered one by one, isogai and meg being first as expected from class reps. and then the others, with the last few being terasaka's group.

*ding dong ding dong*

*woosh* he appeared in the front

"Let's begin shall we?!" multiple clones dashed side to side in the front of the classroom

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