Chapter 10 - "Studying with a few distractions on the way"

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*I feel like this chapter was boring with a bit of waffling. and this is the second chapter in the day. I'm actually kind of proud of myself. this was to make up for missing the last chapter for last week*


_____Time skip to you house at 11pm____

*bzzzt – Pac man noise*

'Hello! I just wanted to tell you to start resting now! You need the energy for tomorrow. We don't need you falling asleep in tests again now, do we?'

- Your octodad :3

You looked at you phone then smiled at the dorky message

'Look, I will not let history repeat itself. This time I'm going to drink lots of coffee and have loads of energy drinks. Plus, I'm prepared and trained, since I've stayed up for an entire week, with only one two-minute rests

It was slight insomnia and paranoia but I'm alright now! 😊. '

thinking back on it, you realised how complex and how many issues your life had and has now. You sent the message but decided on one more,

'P.S it's only 11pm and I was planning on doing an all-nighter >:)'

You closed your phone, but then like 10 notifications with the Pacman noise came up signifying it was koro sensei

"*sigh* shut up octopus"

You were holding the power button about to click the shutdown on your screen until


'Unknown phone number' (Other number underlined)

'Y/n, It's the dark lord himself'


'Y/n do you have notes I could borrow?'

'Y/n I know you're awake. Koro sensei just sent you a message. Plus, he told me you were staying up all night'

'Ok, so you're ignoring me then? I guess that's how we're gonna play~'

'It'd be unfortunate if this photo of you made it out to all our class...and was maybe posted on the main campus walls'

'image.805 received'   

the stranger sent an image.

"what?" you said looking at your lock screen  quizzically

'or maybe this one too'

'image.806 received'

'Who are you?'


The first one was a picture of you sleeping on your school desk, but it was before school started, so the sunrise had illuminated your face.

'I have my ways'

'you know the first one doesn't even look bad. I feel like I was taken from a pretty scene in a movie. That was a nice angle....well apart form the drooling'

'...which is the point. What about the second picture?'

It was you in your pile of stuffed toys all sorts of different animals from bares to dolphins. You had them all. But the main feature of this picture was that you were stuffing your face in with (whatever food) and crying about how good it was

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now