if the story had an ending

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Soooooo......I mean I didnt have this mind in the 2-3 years ago when I started the book. It's probably because I've grown up a tiny bit or whatever. Anywaaaaayssss, I just had to write this since I needed some sort of closure. Of course it's going to be a little bit meh since there was no charachter development since I practically had No plot for y/n when I started this. Oh welllllll. Let's begin

 Let's begin

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Friday  25th February 20XX

Karma: hey, Y/n...
Read at 11:58pm

Karma: well at least you're reading this.

Karma: I miss you
Read at 11:59pm

Karma: I don't really know what to say to be honest. You someone you considered a father.
Read at 12:00am (Sat 26th Feb 20XX)

Karma: It's been a while. Since you've come out.

Karma: it's kind of boring pranking people without. The class is hopeless too.
Read at 12:01am

Karma: that blasted Asano is asking about you. He hated Class-E but I guess you really had an impact on him.

Karma: You had an impact on me too.
Read at 12:02am

You heard a soft know on your front door, but you didn't move

Karma: Y/n

Karma: Despite everything I've done to you, all the arguments we've had from the beginning, the disagreements we've had towards the end
Read at 12:04am

Karma: you know I love you right? And would wait till death did us part for you.
Read at 12:05am

Your throat slowly closed up and you felt the world slow down and the sound of your heart beat slowly fade. You felt the vibration of it increase in chest as you pulled a face.
'You know you look ugly like that. Dont hold it in and let it out'

'Why?' You sobbed
That memory didnt stop you from blocking out any feelings you felt for anyone though.

Karma: I miss you

Karma: wait ignore that last one,  I already sent you that.
Read at 12:07am

Karma: Highschool is about to start soon. Have you registered into the Kunugigaoka high school yet?
Read at 12:09am

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now