Chapter 1

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Kristina's mom in mm

The Contest

Kristina James's POV

"Mom, is there anything in the mail for me?" I asked when I came into the kitchen

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"Mom, is there anything in the mail for me?" I asked when I came into the kitchen.

"Kris, you've been asking me that question since the day it was announced. Your letter didn't come yet; just be patient." My mom said, making me roll my eyes. She doesn't understand how important that letter is. I've been waiting for a whole month to find out if I made it, and I haven't heard anything yet.

I'm not talking about college. This is so much more important. See, at the beginning of last month Toni Braxton, my all-time favorite singer announced that she was having a contest, "A Year With Toni Braxton." She set up an online quiz about herself and put it on her website. Everyone who participates in the contest has to send her their answers plus a video telling her about themselves. Whoever wins will get a letter and a plane ticket to California where they will meet her in person and spend a year living with her.

I've been hoping and praying that I win that contest because it's always been my dream to meet her and show her my talent. See, I'm 17 years old and an inspiring dancer plus I sing a little bit too. I believe that if I win this contest then it's a sign that I have a chance to make my dream come true, and that I've been working hard to get there. This is also my chance to leave this place.

See, I'm from the ghetto part of Louisiana. I'm not saying that I hate it because I will never forget where I come from because it'll always help me know where I'm going. What I'm saying is that I'm tired of living in a place where a little child can't play outside without getting shot to death from a drive by, or where you can barely get an education. I'm a junior in high school and even though I barely could, I stayed on top of my education. If I win this contest, I plan on starting and finishing my senior year the right way.

"Mom, you know how important this is to me. How can I be patient when I'm nervous as hell!" I said.

"Just calm down, Kris. Good things come to those who wait. Now, go get ready for dinner. We're having your favorite." She said with a smile as she turned around to take the finish fried chicken out of the pot of grease before it burned.

"Where's dad?" I asked. I love both of my parents. I love them to death, but I'm more of a daddy's girl.

"He had to work late, he'll be home later." She replied. That doesn't surprise me at all. It's kinda weird that I'm a daddy's girl when he's barely home. People would think that I'd be closer to my mom. Even though she owns a beauty salon, she always make sure to make time to spend with me and my brother. I do help out at the salon whenever I can.

I went up to my room so I could freshen up before dinner like my mom said. Before I could go to my bathroom, my phone started ringing. I knew it was my best friend, Kadie by the ringtone.

This girl that I came here with, dat's my main

The one that's sharing these drinks, dat's my main

The one that's celebrating her birthday, dat's my main

Yeah, that's my number 1 chick, dat's my main

"What's up, best friend!" She yelled once I answered the phone.

"Hey, Kadie." I said back. Kadie Worth is my best friend. We've been friends since we were five years old. We've been through a lot together, and our friendship is still as strong as ever.

"Did you find out anything yet?" She asked, referring to the contest.

"Not yet and I'm super nervous. What if I don't get it? What if I get it and it's not what I expect? What if I'm not what Toni expects?" I ranted to her.

"Kristina! You really need to calm down and relax. You're blowing this way out of proportion. All I'm hearing is a bunch of negativeness. You have to think positive, Kris. I know you'll get it because you're amazing and talented. Toni will see that, too." Kadie said, immediately calming me down.

"Thanks, Kadie. You always know what to say to make me feel better." I said. We talked for a little longer before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Mom said it's time for dinner." My brother, Tristan said as he peeked his head in my bedroom.

"I'll be down in a second, big head." I said playfully before he left out of the door. My brother is my best friend. Even though he's the oldest, he's a big kid at heart.

I really hope I get this chance.

Toni Braxton's POV

It's been a crazy time for me

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It's been a crazy time for me. Between getting everything ready for my album that's coming out next year. Plus this new movie that I'm staring in that's also coming out next year, it's been a lot but I'm making it. The success of my first single, Deadwood has been blowing up since I first premiered it. I love my Toni Tigers and the support that they continue to show me.

Not to mention this new contest that I made for all of my Toni Tigers. I've been really busy with getting everything for that together. A lot of people have participated in the contest, and I have a ton of letters and videos that I have to look at. I plan to have my sisters help me with that.

I have so much to do in so little time, and I know my fans are anxiously waiting for me to make my decision. I can't wait to meet and get to know the person that I will be spending a year with. 

Why did I pick a year? I wanted to give my younger audience the opportunity to see how my everyday life is. More than what they see on Braxton Family Values. I know that I have talented fans by the videos that they tag me in on Instagram and Twitter. I want them to have a chance or maybe a little push to make a dream that they have come true.

So...let it begin.

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