Chapter 6

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Meeting The Family

Kristina's POV

After getting off the phone with my crazy best friend, I decided to get freshened up before dinner

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After getting off the phone with my crazy best friend, I decided to get freshened up before dinner. I was super nervous because I was meeting Toni's family. I know they're going to ask a lot of questions, and I don't mind; I'm just a more private person, and I don't really like to talk about my life. But, it's the only way for Toni and her family to get to know me.

Toni said that we were gonna go out to eat, and I would meet them. I really hope that everything goes well. I mean I'm basically a stranger living in Toni's home, and I'd be okay if they don't accept me as quick as Toni and Towanda did.

"Kristina, it's time to go!" Toni yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. I finished the last part of my hair and made sure I had everything I needed before making my way downstairs.

"You look cute," Toni complimented me once she saw me coming down the stairs. I decided to wear something cute without over doing it.

"So do you," I said while snapping my fingers

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"So do you," I said while snapping my fingers. She was seriously rocking the hell out of that Gucci she was wearing.

"You're so silly," She laughed

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"You're so silly," She laughed. "We have to go because we're already late, and I know Tamar has something to say or sing about it." She said, making me laugh as we left.

"Toni! Toni! Over here! Who's the girl? Is she your long lost daughter?" Is the first thing we heard as soon as we stepped out of the car followed by camera flashes.

Toni ignored all of the questions, and I kept my head down from the flashes. I don't know how Toni does this everyday.

"I'm sorry about that. They can get a little crazy sometimes," she apologized.

"It's fine," I said, not understanding why she was apologizing.

"Hey, girls." She greeted everyone while blowing kisses to everyone before sitting down. I sat down next to her.

"Hey, Toni THE LATE Braxton," Tamar said making everyone laugh.

"Shut up, Tamar. It wasn't even my fault this time," Toni laughed.

"This is Kristina. She's the one who won my contest," Toni explained as she introduced me.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan of all of you," I said nervously.

There was an awkward silence before Toni's mother broke it.

"It's nice to meet you, Kristina. I'm Evelyn, but you can call me momma E," Ms. Evelyn introduced herself, making me smile.

There was another awkward silence, but I decided to break it myself this time.

"Would you excuse me for a second? I'm gonna go to the restroom," I said before grabbing my phone and rushing to the restroom. I decided to call my mom. She always know what to say to cheer me up.

"Hey, mom." I said once she answered the phone.

"Hey, baby. What happened? What's wrong?" She asked frantically. I guess she noticed how my voice cracked.

"Everything was fine when I got here, but I'm at dinner meeting Toni's family, and I can tell that only her mom and her sister, Towanda accepted me. I knew all of this was too good to be true," I ranted as I cried.

"Kristina, calm down. Listen to me, you're my daughter, and there's a reason why God chose you to win that contest. Just make the best of it and try to enjoy yourself." She said, instantly cheering me up.

"I love you, mom." I said smiling.

"I love you more," she said before hanging up. She was right. This is a once in a lifetime chance, and nothing is gonna ruin it. I wiped my face and left out of the bathroom only to hear a commotion going on throughout the restaurant. I got to the table to find Toni standing up with her purse and Tamar yelling.

What the hell happened within the two seconds I was gone?!?

Toni's POV

"Why do ya'll insist on being rude to her? I invited y'all here to meet her because I wanted her to feel more welcomed, but y'all just can't do that

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"Why do ya'll insist on being rude to her? I invited y'all here to meet her because I wanted her to feel more welcomed, but y'all just can't do that. I mean what the hell is wrong with y'all?" I asked pissed off.

"Toni, I just don't think this is a good idea. I mean you have a girl that you don't know anything about living with you. That doesn't make you nervous?" Tamar asked.

"It shouldn't matter to any of ya'll what the hell I do with my life, and who the hell I invite into my house." I said mad as hell. They are wrong for judging someone that they met two seconds ago.

"Tone, we're not saying that we don't support you in this; we're just telling you to be careful," Trina said.

"You know what's funny, Trina? That you and Traci are the ones that helped me pick her as the winner of the contest, but now that she's here, you want to tell me to be careful? That's not right!" I said before standing up and grabbing my purse.

"All I'm saying is when this all blow up in your face, all I'm going to say is I told you so." Tamar said with her hands up in surrender.

"You know what Tamar, fuck you." I said as I saw Kristina coming back to the table.

"Now, that's enough!" My mom yelled, but I was too pissed to listen to her defend Tamar once again.

"Come on, Kristina. We're leaving." I said as I grabbed her arm, leaving out of the restaurant.

The ride to the house was silent. I hate that Kristina had to hear me get out of character like that. I'm so embarrassed, and I will make it up to her.

"I'm sorry that you had to see all of that, Kristina. I want you to know that none of this is your fault," I explained as we sat in the driveway.

She just stayed silent, and I hate it because I knew that she was thinking that this was all her fault and it wasn't.

"How about we order some food in since we didn't get a chance to eat at the restaurant?" I offered. I was glad that she agreed, and this will be the chance for us to get to know each other more.

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