Chapter 9.2

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Tristian James in mm

Warning: Slightly mature chapter.....

~The Confrontation II~

Toni's POV

It's been a few hours since Kristina and I had lunch and talked. We've been back home for a while now, and I don't know what to do at this point. Kristina hasn't said a word since lunch. She even avoided having dinner with me tonight.

This makes me wish that the kiss didn't happen at all. It makes me wish that I would've stopped it before it happened. If I knew Kristina would act like this; I would've never done it.

My mind was going one thousand miles a second and every time I look out of the window at that damn pool; I keep having flashbacks of that night. She's just so beautiful, and I did the first thing that came to my mind. I couldn't help my actions.

I really do wish that we would've finished what we started, but it's like reality punched her in the face, and she stopped me before we could go there. I'm so tired of the back and forth between us, and the only thing I can do is show her what I've been trying to tell her because she won't listen to what I'm trying to tell her verbally.

Kristina's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what Toni was saying today at lunch

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Toni was saying today at lunch. She was right about me just assuming about how she felt about the situation before getting the true story. I was honestly scared to hear the truth, so I came up with my own conclusion.

I really don't know how to feel about all of this. I'm starting to think that all of this was a big mistake, and I hate to say that because it hurts, but I guess the truth does hurt.

I sighed as I got everything I needed to take a shower. Maybe it'll help me clear my head of this situation. Even though I had fun during those interviews, they did tire me out. I really just need to relax, and I think I nice, hot shower will help me with that.

Once I got everything together for my shower, I made sure the water was just how I like it before stepping in. I sighed and closed my eyes in content as the hot water hit my body.

There was so much on my mind. Feelings that I can't understand right now. I hate that everything is so awkward with Toni, and I'm not gonna blame her for everything that happened between us.

I wish that we could've took that kiss further, but I was so scared. I'm only seventeen and a virgin. I refuse to get the both of us in trouble because of a spur of the moment. Temptation is a bitch and for a second, I almost fell into her trap. I was so into my thoughts that I didn't hear the shower door open.

"What the-" I was cut off by Toni's lips connecting with mine. Every time I tried to say something or try to stop her; she would deepen the kiss. She pushed me against the wall and lifted my arms up to stop me from trying to stop her as she kissed down to my neck.

Nothing but moans escaped my mouth. Anytime I'm around Toni, my thoughts get jumbled up, and I can't think straight. This is definitely taking me over the edge, and what I'm feeling going down my legs is more than just the water at this point.

She started to suck around my neck, making me close my eyes and moan louder. Her kisses slowly went lower. It's like the lower her kisses got; the heavier my breathing became. She looked up at me with an emotion that I couldn't recognize. Like she wanted to devour me.

She made my body feel like it's on fire with her opened mouth kisses and sucking. She took one of my breast into her mouth and began to lick and suck on it. I've never felt these kind of sensations before, but I'm not complaining.

It makes me wonder what else have I been missing. She kissed and licked down more until she got to my waist. All of a sudden she stopped and stood up, making me open my eyes in frustration and surprise. It was just getting good! She looked at me with a sinister smirk on her face before pecking my lips.

"There's more where that came from, but it's not getting finished until I know that you're ready." She whispered in my ear before opening the shower door and stepping out, leaving me stunned and sexually frustration. So, I guess this is what people mean when they say that they need to take a cold shower.

I can't believe that just happened....

Toni's POV

I don't know what came over me, but I was frustrated because Kristina refused to listen to me

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I don't know what came over me, but I was frustrated because Kristina refused to listen to me. Also, I was sexually frustrated, so I took the chance when it presented itself. I figured that since she wouldn't listen to me verbally; I decided to show her how I felt physically.

Hopefully, I got my point across. I hope Kristina knows that this is far from over. She brings out a different side of me. She makes me do things that I wouldn't normally do. When she gets so stubborn, it makes me want to make her act right. When she brings out her innocent side, it makes me want to bring out her naughty side.

When she starts to feel hesitant and want to push me away, it makes me want to reassure her that what I'm feeling is real. I may not understand it right now, but I'm not gonna ignore it.

The moans that came out of her mouth when we were in that shower together keeps repeating in my head. It took all of my strength to stop, and it's taking all of my strength to wait. But, I meant what I said when I told Kristina that I'm not going any further until I know that she's ready, but that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna have a little fun.

I know that I can introduce her to this pleasurable experience. The look that she gave me when I stopped kissing down her body made me want to say fuck it, but I knew I couldn't. That was all the confirmation I needed.

There was so much that we needed to do to get Kristina into the public eye more, and I decided to take Kristina with me to rehearsals for my upcoming show. I know that Kristina has a lot of talent, and I just want to help her share it.

I know that with my help; she'll be a superstar. I can tell that she's shy a little bit, but I can easily help her with that. I can also talk to Kenny and ask him to give Kristina some advice to help her. I know that Kristina has only been here for a very short amount of time, but she's already changing my life. I can't wait to see where this year takes us.

I don't really like this chapter because the make out scene is cringeworthy😣, and I don't think I did very good, but everybody wanted a chapter, and I feel like I just rushed through this just to have something done🤦🏽‍♀️ I don't like feeling that way but...Enjoy!

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